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Everything posted by Ashtongreight

  1. Unlike you I haven’t fully made up my mind yet, the jury is still out, much like the team he isn’t consistent enough. I hope he does convince me, and prove my doubts were unfounded, because more than anything I want us to be successful
  2. Whilst his health towards the end probably didn’t help, if he’d had a good relationship with the board I’m sure they’d have found a way to accommodate him. I believe they used his bad health as an excuse to accelerate his dismissal, rather than being a genuine issue.
  3. Totally agree, better keeper, cost nothing, much lower wages, what’s not to like. Well done Max. Like most I had my doubts at first, and there has been a few dodgy spells along the way, but now he’s more than proved himself and is improving all the time. Max and Dickie are the two candidates for POTS for me.
  4. The elephant in the room I believe is that NP wasn’t sacked for an underperforming squad, but for other reasons. Reasons that we’ll never find out about, the underperforming nonsense was just that, nonsense. LM was an ideal candidate as stepping up a league he’s going accept things that a more experienced manager wouldn’t stand for.
  5. Equally it’s not a criticism of Nige either, and as we’ve already established our defensive record was better under NP than it is under LM what was the point of the change? I get we are where we are, but as of yet LM hasn’t demonstrated he’s the man to take us forward, not to me at least.
  6. That’s academic, he was supposed to be a better coach that would achieve more this season with our present squad. By your own admission, so far he’s failed, we’ve actually performed worse. Based on those facts why would anyone believe he’s the man to take us forward, I genuinely don’t understand.
  7. So the coach that was brought in to improve performances THIS season, has in fact made things worse. Well that was a successful appointment then… not.
  8. But many of the previous ones don’t. I wouldn’t judge on a couple of poor results, but equally I won’t judge on a couple of decent ones. So far on balance the poor have outweighed the good. My gut feeling is it was a bad appointment, but I’m willing to be persuaded. My biggest concern is who is going to pick his successor.
  9. Bizarre comment referring back to what he considered a mistake Max made at Leeds, how long ago was that, how many excellent performances has he put in since?. I noticed your comment as well reminding him that shot actually went through a player. He obviously doesn’t rate Max, which is his prerogative, but if that’s the only reason he can give it just makes him look stupid.
  10. I’m glad it wasn’t just me that thought Lez was a dick. What a load of nonsense he spouted, could have done with Neil and his son, Tom isn’t it?, to bring some sense to proceedings.
  11. If we had eleven outfield players capable of automatic promotion Max would be fine in goal. He wouldn’t let us down, as today and many other examples this season has shown.
  12. I think the game plan is to give Max as much practice as possible .
  13. Anyone know of a stream that doesn’t require VPN airways?
  14. Ashtongreight


    On the peripheral again imo. We look more balanced when he plays though, as it allows knight to play in his natural position.
  15. In a much more articulate way, sums up exactly how I feel.
  16. As a reasonably recent poster, although I’ve viewed for donkeys years, I found having my first posts vetted rather unnecessary and a bit tinpot, and frankly annoying. I do find regular posters attitudes to us newbies rather aggressive or dismissive at times, it’s also a bit clicky. Banning posters really should be a last resort we are all entitled to our view, and we all have the ignore facility. Limiting people to a maximum number of posts is nonsense and unnecessary. it’s healthy to have differing viewpoints and adds to the debate, if we all agreed what would be the point of forum. The imposters seem to be rooted out pretty well as we are so why change and make it less pleasurable for new posters who join, remember all you older posters you were newbies at some point.
  17. Imo the one at the very top has lost interest, his son is clueless, but didn’t take kindly to being told so by the only one who knew what he was talking about. The head of the academy saw the opportunity by brown nosing the clueless one, to curry favour, push out the knowledgable one, and then be promoted beyond his capabilities .
  18. Equally we should have had two penalties but didn’t, all ifs buts and maybes. All that counts is what DID happen, we scored and they didn’t .
  19. We all enjoyed the win and credit where it’s due, but one swallow doesn’t make a summer. I’m looking forward to you posting if we lose to Plymouth or Blackburn or Rotherham for instance. I’m sure you’ll show balance and say how poorly we’ve played. We all want City to succeed it’s just some of us, based on his record since joining us to date, don’t think LM is the answer. Loyalty to our club, doesn’t mean blind loyalty to a head coach who as of yet hasn’t earned it.
  20. A keeper can only ever save what’s there to be saved, or not, unlike an outfield playing that can have a positive affect, Create or score goals. Max saved every shot yesterday, there were no worldies because they weren’t required, however he did make several vital saves which kept us in the game. I’m not sure what else he could have done.
  21. Really?, I’m glad you reminded me, I’d forgotten for a moment.
  22. Are we seriously suggesting our gates have increased purely because our Loo’s have improved? Surely there’s more to it than that.
  23. Bit ironic isn’t it, asking us to renew season tickets, when he won’t sign a new contract
  24. It’ll be automated, no thought involved unfortunately
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