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Everything posted by Ashtongreight

  1. A word of advice, I don’t need advice thanks very much. The joke was between myself and PSR. Who, for your advice I’ve known for 54 years. So maybe it’s you that needs advice, not me.
  2. A tough game against arguably the best team in the league, we’ll do well to get a point. I’d be more than happy with a good performance and losing by the odd goal. Obviously would prefer to nick it, but unfortunately feel It’s unlikely.
  3. I’ve never seen your brother before, I have to say he’s much better looking the than you ?
  4. Good effort, good save. When things are going for you they go under the keeper, when they aren’t it hits the keepers legs.
  5. Other championship games today had up to 20 minutes added. I think it’s more to do with deliberate time wasting.
  6. That’s a bit harsh, it’s even used joined up Writing. and allegedly….. it’s a TARDIS and can hold up to 40,000 which will save then having to stand outside ?
  7. It was said slightly tongue in cheek, but also it’s a compliment to the lad, from what I’ve seen of him he seems to have everything, a few years here and he could be moving to the PL
  8. He won’t be here long then, 18 months at the most before being sold on. Enjoy him whilst you can .
  9. Is Nige still registered to play?, and Tinns for that matter…
  10. If this statement/exercise was supposed to put to bed recent unrest, it seems to have completely backfired. It’s obvious SL has changed tack, why not just come out and say it. To try to deny it, and expect us to buy into it, is kind of treating us like fools
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