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Everything posted by Gabriella

  1. So people keep saying, very clear for people to check my South East IP address.
  2. I’m not trolling anyone. If NP goes so be it, I think he deserves a new rolling deal but I’m not in the ‘Pearson must stay’ camp. I’m entitled to that opinion.
  3. What is there to explain, Pearson falling out with clubs isn’t uncommon, the debacle at Derby was clear to everyone to see. There is always a danger that when you are the blunt forthright type you may not be to everyone’s taste, especially an imagine conscious owner…. I appreciate he has mellowed with age, but Pearson ain’t no saint, from being labelled a bully by people in the media to telling fans to ‘**** off and die’ when things at Leicester turned sour. don’t get me wrong it seems he is being treated harshly here, but he ain’t the messiah that some are making out on here.
  4. Genuine question, why are you so worked up about it? You seem bereft (I’m not taking the piss).
  5. NP is faultless according to some on here, be careful.
  6. Football is a brutal business, NP knows this full well - if the club wants to go in a different direction then that’s their prerogative.
  7. I love the contradiction in this post, bravo!
  8. DaveFevs speaking well - the view of fans have shifted after the lack of income following the Scott sale. What a massive misjudgement from the board….
  9. Gabriella is my youngest daughters name.
  10. There are people on here saying they will stop following the club if he leaves! That is OTT and pathetic! Bizarre.
  11. Mark Carter wouldn’t have said that he’s done a good job, I have regularly.
  12. I’m neither of those 2 people they can check my IP address.
  13. People genuinely so OTT re:Pearson on here.
  14. No I’m basing on everything. The biggest positive has been the academy players coming through - my view is that an additional deal would be reasonable….I can also see the view that he does done a good job of doing the nasty stuff, see how the next few months go.
  15. I think you’re going OTT. Sorry. Done a good job, but not much more. Can’t remember a single person agreeing with that deal, I certainly didn’t.
  16. I have no issues with the cornick throws at all, they thought it was embarrassing, I think there was an element of big club syndrome with their comments etc.
  17. He could lose the next 10 games and some people on here would be demanding a new 5 year deal.
  18. You should be in the West End, I can see you in a dark, brooding mystery. Bravo!
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