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Everything posted by Leabrook

  1. Yeah I wouldn’t say the in and out of formations will necessarily be all about the back line. I think it will be very changeable. My concern is will the players be able to keep up. Are they good enough to be taught a pretty complicated way (if it does transpire to be complicated). I’ve heard a fair few managers say that they love Mason Mount because he is extremely intelligent to varying systems. Not always the best player but very reliable and switched on.
  2. Not sure we played well for 90 minutes many times under Pearson this season
  3. When we are in possession, it looks like a back 3 to me with Tanner coming narrower unless he’s involved in that attack. Would assume we will see Pring do similar tonight depending on how and where we are attacking
  4. I think what he sees important is in and out of possession tactics. Saying ‘we are 4-2-3-1’ doesn’t make sense under Manning
  5. Being bought off for fatigue reasons and/or lessening chance of injury I reckon
  6. How many are we allowed? We have 8. I think it’s 9. What school did you got too?
  7. I do think that fans need to stop obsessing over set formations as the modern game is so fluid. The game has moved on and many managers in interviews won’t talk formations
  8. It will be a back four out of possession and a back three in possession I expect Disagree with this. We don’t play one formation anymore
  9. Don’t ask AI ! Bard says that Tony Daley won it in 1992
  10. 80s Gary Shelton 90s Andy Cole 00s Steven Caulker 10s Korey Smith 20s Alex Scott (we’ve achieved nothing this decade so it’s open field)
  11. In what way? What are the similarities to you between Manning and Holden?
  12. If you had said we wouldn’t win until whenever you said then fine but the extra league one stuff was massive exaggeration. We have beaten an in form Middlesbrough and outplayed a very good Southampton side for 45 minutes. And been picking up points. We are not going down!
  13. I won’t sing it. I don’t believe in a king or god so it makes no sense for me to sing it
  14. We are now at the stage where, say, 6 points from the next 4 games would get different reactions from certain posters if Manning achieved it or Pearson achieved it. There is the Pearson Tribe and the Manning Gang. All a bit weird if you ask me
  15. Bizarre forum sometimes. A poster points out that Manning is doing worse than Nige was doing and gets called names by pro Nige fans. Some of you lot need to have a cold shower
  16. Hopefully he didn’t look downwards when he spoke or some fans are gonna be really pissed off
  17. I said 6-8th with Scott. 10-12th without Scott. Those were my expectations and still are
  18. They are very young, playing against kids 2-3 years older. I really wouldn’t look at results when they are that age.
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