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Everything posted by Leabrook

  1. People have called me a Bristol sport employee just because I didn’t rate Pearson has highly as others! Manning tipped me over the edge today. He’s got to go now
  2. At those odds it is definitely worth a tenner. Run this scenario 150 times and we would probably go down 2-3 times. I’d have it between 50/1 and 70/1.
  3. Or they know a fair bit more than you about it. There are a lot of teams below us which is a big factor in the odds and 52 points will be enough this season looking at the table. Do you think all the bookies have got this wrong independently? As Smith says, have a flutter if you are so sure
  4. One poster said that. Nobody said sexy football. I don’t think you intentionally lie.
  5. I’ve searched the phrase “sexy football” and since Manning came in you are the only one to say it. 5 times. You keep saying posters said we play sexy football and literally nobody has used that phrase apart from you!
  6. The amount of time people spend worrying about relegation is mind boggling!
  7. If you think I work for BS you are very wrong. Anti Tinnion, anti Jon Lansdown. Willing to give Manning time. Hardly screams BS employee does it!
  8. So many bed wetters on here at the moment. Crying about a 3 month loan is embarrassing
  9. Should have kept him on for years, giving him a new contract just in case he came good in his late 20s
  10. Imagine the Pearson lovers if he posted.
  11. Maybe we will be as good as against Southampton, two games ago
  12. So you say it’s extremely unlikely that you will watch and then you say you will probably watch if it’s raining. Seen the weather recently?!
  13. Bell underrated player. Will be a miss
  14. Or we just realise that anyway!
  15. Maybe get a calming hobby. Dread to think how long you spend on this forum getting angry!
  16. Talking to yourself is the first sign of madness! Just need to find a manager who’s never been sacked…..
  17. Manning takes players off to reduce injuries. A clear strategy. If more players are available to him than Pearson it’s not necessarily luck
  18. They’ve done two fans forums since then and Tinnion has been on radio Bristol. Not too bad in a relatively short space of time. What sort of stuff do you want from them? I can’t think what else they could be doing really
  19. Yes the lost revenue was bought up and someone said it will never happen, which it obviously won’t. They will stop cup replays which I personally think is an awful idea. Agreed on extra time, it’s pointless Oops! Sorry!
  20. That would probably put us 10-12th and is a pretty reasonable expectation from here. I think so much changes with one very good striker signing. Another key summer ahead
  21. Decent pod that one. Ian was calm and not rude. Clearly has a source in the club and pretty obvious it’s Tinnion. Said that Atkinson, Naismith and Sykes will play for under 23s Tuesday which is good news. Didn’t like his idea of reducing the league to 20 teams to reduce games though. Analysis on game was fair and measured. Good work lads
  22. Hang on, we struggle to create any atmosphere at all….lets not restrict the songs for goodness sake!
  23. Spot on. And it’s the time spent on here as well which mystifies me. One poster in particular must post 50+ times every day! Just relentlessly posting negatively day after day.
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