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Ashton Fete

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Everything posted by Ashton Fete

  1. So much of what he does is unnoticed because it isn’t eye catching but he has developed massively this season for me His confidence moving forward is improving but defensively whether one on one, breaking up play or sometimes just knocking it out rather than over play in a dangerous position is outstanding so his decision making gets better month on month I remember his screamer of a shot against Sheff Utd a few years ago that hit the post so hopefully he’ll have a pop again soon!
  2. Southampton were 2-0 down at home at half time and ended up winning Man City were 0-0 at home at half time and ended up winning We were 2-0 up at half time away and ended up winning. It’s very rare that teams play a 90 minute perfect game of football for a whole host of reasons so I think all in all a 2-1 away win should be taken in that context We were definitely not great in the 2nd half, invited too much pressure so those points are valid but we ended up winning by hanging on which plenty of teams do week in and week out whatever the level A million miles from the perfect performance but enjoy the win and roll on Tuesday, unless we’re winning 2-0 at half time…
  3. Yeah did this a few months ago with my lad, really well done with some nice little extras to make it special for kids
  4. There’s so many variables in play I guess we’ll find out in time, ultimately they’re self employed in the conventional sense and will go where best fits personally and financially depending what’s on offer and so much goes on we’ll never know (always fun to speculate tho!) However, if he wants to stay it’s a no brainer for me, it will cost money to replace him and then wages on top so fingers crossed he stays A Joe Williams like last night could be captain next season he leads by example so much and dominated the midfield…all qualities other clubs want as well so round we go again
  5. And the ridiculous choice of music in the 15 minutes to kick off is infuriating. It prevents any chance of home atmosphere being built and so all I hear is the away fans and random pop sounds Let’s have Gold, Cider drinker, blackbird, drink up and songs like that which at least have a hope of getting fans singing And the new minute before walk out music…embarrassing
  6. Not all members go so perhaps something like ST can deactivate their seat if not going and members only can re buy for a fixed price of say £10 Hearing sell out and then it being so obvs it’s not does look rubbish
  7. Maybe I’ve got my games mixed up here, happily admit if wrong. As I’ve said, I wanted Pearson to stay and I wanted him to be backed and it would definitely be interesting who pushed for Cornick and Memehti as neither fitted the Pearson style with fast wider players But we are where we are and the signings of Stokes, Bird, Murphy, new lad on the left whose name escapes with a fixed option to buy and possibly Twine just makes me feel more optimistic than negative about the future and next season But I could be miles out on that
  8. Perhaps my green shoots thinking has clouded my judgment!
  9. Haha thanks, I try Its not about saying everything is amazing all the time, I left the Millwall game after 85 minutes as it was so awful I couldn’t watch anymore So im just saying I can see some green shoots and am willing to go with it and see what happens
  10. I said some of the football not all. Some of the football especially with WSM was brilliant and you’re right with Sykes. But we did have games this season against WBA and Birmingham when I wouldn’t describe it as edge of the seat stuff Sadly I didn’t make a note of the games but it’s definitely what I recall. We did end up with a minus GD for last season I think All I’m saying is that I can see small signs of progress and what the plan is and im trying to be optimistic with it However, as I said, I wanted Pearson to stay until least until the end of the season and I think if he’d been given the transfer room as Manning has then who knows. Being optimistic just makes it easier to cheer when we score and celebrate when we win I guess It’s all about opinions, whose right and whose wrong is for the future to decide. I personally believe that next season we’ll make the play offs but hey I could be wrong
  11. It’s all a matter of perspectives of course i see us starting to become a team that is better at building up phases of play between the lines, we are defensively more solid than we have been for some time, we are moving the ball quicker (mostly) and I can see with some of the signings we’re making that there’s potential to be fast, exciting to watch and more creative But it will take time, you can’t make players something they’re not and so when changing playing styles so starkly as we are it’s not a few months thing My point being is that im more optimistic than not that next season will be our best for many years and see us around the play offs i felt Nige should have been given until the end of the season but once it became known to him and obvious to all he wasn’t getting a new contract then it rapidly played out as we all saw. I bought into Nige 100% but let’s be honest, some of the football was as boring as the days of Pulis, not in style but in fun to watch, shots and creative changes I remember 2-3 home games in a row last year where we didn’t even have a shot on target So in summary, I see some changes in which I think are worth being patient with, that’s all
  12. For me, I see the plan and style, I see some the signings already and I’m actually quite excited for next season and what could play out Last night was an off night against a Leeds team that tore us apart with some of the best players I’ve seen in the championship for years Apart from last night and against Millwall, under Manning I’ve seen more than enough to suggest next season could be very promising And that’s coming from someone who didn’t want Pearson sacked or wasn’t overly impressed with the Manning appointment But I do see enough to be excited about next season
  13. Maybe it will come in time but with Mehmeti I just don’t trust that in that critical moment he’ll deliver the right pass, cross or shot He’s clearly talented and shown the odd glimpse but across 90 minutes he miles off having a consistent impact When Tommy slipped him in last night I didn’t even flinch or brace to celebrate as in that split second I didn’t think he’d score when for almost everyone else I’d be half way standing up So for me I think he needs to move on Hard to judge with Bell, he’s been played right back, right wing back, left wing and right wing…and he’s supposed to be a striker. I think the Wes Burns comparison is probably a fair one so on that basis keep him a bit longer
  14. The club have got the stock/sales so badly wrong in recent years The profit/loss margins cannot justify a club an adult bench coat being £115 as one example. it presents they just want low stock and low sales each year rather than taking the approach of trying to make everyone who attends games being in some kind of item from the club shop by making the prices more affordable
  15. Ah…I’ll pin all my aspirations on Oxford then
  16. Granted it’s not a huge amount of clubs but Manning definitely brings a 2nd season bounce at MK and Oxford..clearly it takes time for teams to bed in with his system but we are without doubt making incremental positive steps forward and each signing will continue that momentum It does feel at the minute that our most likely chances will come from opposition defensive errors but I’ve got faith in the plan so let’s keep learning this style of play and roll on next season as I genuinely think the play offs will be a very realistic goal
  17. Sounds petulant unless he’s done this to force a transfer to us in which case we’ll be singing his name at Leeds… Attacking midfielder is the signing predicted..
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