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Everything posted by Jobi

  1. I think you’re about to find that they will replace him with a coach who has LESS experience than Manning.
  2. I agree the jury is still out completely but it doesn’t merit the kind of blunt categorical views that he must be sacked or he is definitely failing. I think saying there are pros and cons and the jury is out let’s see is the reasonable and fair working assumption at this point!
  3. I really don’t understand why some people have such a dislike for Manning, or this idea he should be sacked or they want him gone - he has done an OK job good and bed spells, same as every other manager in our recent history!!! I just find it very strange tbh, not as if he is a bit of a “shit” or anything like that either!
  4. If it is “hate” then dare I say it people need to get out more.
  5. The only reason he was in a job was because of the takeover. Otherwise would’ve gone before our game at AG earlier in the season.
  6. Jobi


    Please no to O’Neils but I’m guessing we signed a long term deal with them.
  7. Jobi

    Adam Murphy

    I agree they can communicate better - I still think some are OTT in what they expect. Sometimes.
  8. Jobi

    Adam Murphy

    What do you expect? Them to tell us everything about everything.
  9. Yes, I saw the other week where Pearson said “its football”, he has been around long enough to know the spin that happens, it’s good that he is ok though and moving on.
  10. I had no issue with the club sacking Pearson, he had been given time and they clearly wanted to go in a different direction (which is fine) - the way they handled it though was so so poor and the reasoning was embarrassing - he deserved better than the way it was handled.
  11. Jobi


    Defence comes first. To be fair it’s better now.
  12. Pros and cons to every formation.
  13. I’ve never understood how fans, who I assume don’t have coaching badges, who don’t see the players week in week out, and don’t know the specifics of what actually goes on in the club can say, with such confidence, the formation they would play. Find it bizzare.
  14. Yes but a lot of money for someone who wasn’t going to be first or second choice.
  15. I don’t understand this “brush away” NP elements - MJ is in his 30s, one of the highest earners in the club and is by no means a 1st choice in 24/25 - makes little sense to keep him unless on heavily reduced terms and even then he is unlikely to accept. As for King, obvious not to renew. Don’t think it has anything to do with NP, just sensible business in my view.
  16. I can see all 3 struggling to match their previous achievements next season. Especially Sheff Utd who seem awful.
  17. There is also zero evidence of his wage packet or how much he would’ve wanted so……
  18. Don’t know how people keep saying this when we don’t know how much he was on/wanting per week.
  19. Wade Elliott right up there for me - shorter time.
  20. Bit suprised people haven’t mentioned Neil Kilkenny
  21. Bird Williams Knight and TGH is good enough I would say - remembering that others can step in if we have a disaster.
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