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Bar BS3

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Everything posted by Bar BS3

  1. Just jump up and down while you're stood behind the back of someone's head. You wont be missing a thing.
  2. It would be good if it wasn't someone with epilepsy who's broadcasting..!
  3. We've only had 28% possession. That is very unlike us. Then ahsin, so is being 1-0 up, so hey ho.
  4. I've always assumed you were a female. No particular reason. I'm glad I didn't send you a flirty PM now!
  5. As long as you don't whisk him off on honeymoon before the end of May....!
  6. I hope we don't go 2-0 up. We've got a terrible record from that position this season.
  7. Wow. SL must have earned about £5 per second for the whole of that time!
  8. What on earth makes a lower league fan of either/both clubs who have had a terrible time of it over the last 5/10 years or so and still remain firmly routed in our shadow, feel the need to go on the forum of a bigger, higher placed, more progressive and all round better club giving it the big one..?! I'd be too embarrassed and try and convince myself that I didn't care!
  9. Or you cheat to gain an unfair advantage.
  10. Or cheat to get players sent off. Dive outside the box into the box to con the referee and generally get every bit of luck that's been going for the past 2 seasons to scrape fortuitous promotions. The only way you "create your own luck" is by cheating. It wont last forever. Serious question... When was the last time Rovers won a football match against a team who finished the game with 11 men or didn't have a penalty to help them..?
  11. It was a disgrace and I was fully in support of your boycott. It's a shame that 400 still went. I draw the line at ever wanting you to win a match though. Even against Swindon!
  12. I can't handle not particularly wanting Rovers to lose tonight, because it would mean a win for Swindon. It feels dirty and wrong, so I've just stuck a tenner on Swindon to win. No I feel justified in wanting Rovers to lose!
  13. To which his dad replies.."look son, finish your spaghetti hoops, clean the Source off your face and go to work. When you get home, someone has to play Santa and you are the only on "special enough" to do it..!"
  14. Or because we'd sold 18k home tickets for our next match and 2.5k for our next Saturday away game..?
  15. Sounds like standard Gas, spreading the gospel of shite and then looking a fool when someone speaks up and clarifies the truth. If they weren't so full of crap, people might have a little bit more tolerance. What's wrong with what he could have said, along the lines of .. "If I wasn't here I'd be at Bradford away. I expect we'll take about 5-600 today, which isn't bad at all for a club of our size. Infact we probably have one of the better away followings in relation to our home attendances. We've just got investment that should secure the club's future and give us some stability, although he's hardly splashing the cash, hopefully he'll finally get us out of our current shitpit of a ground and into desperately needed better facilities. We've clawed our way back to where we should be now, after a disastrous last 5/10 years. Anyway, where's your Mrs? Do you mind if I inappropriately grope her in front of your children, oh and you don't happen to have bought a horse here with you, did you..? Only I'm feeling a little irritated and need to punch a defensless animal. What do you mean that's wrong? What are you, a fcuking sh'ed..?!"
  16. Hold tight. There is bound to be something in the next couple of days.
  17. So, what have they done today to keep us amused..?
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