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Bar BS3

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Everything posted by Bar BS3

  1. Like The Big Issue would want him or anything to do with Rovers associated in bringing down the image of their product..!
  2. I agree Darell, I've got nothing bad to say about Mansfield Town Football Club either..! How ironic and how did I not know about his links with them prior to May 2014..?! He really is as thick as 2 short planks and a bellend of the highest order (Holloway aside, who is yet another level all together!)
  3. And how many failed stadium projects have there been in that time..?
  4. I believe it's true that their record signing is still the £350k?? That they paid for Andy Tilson, 20 odd years ago!
  5. I know! That's what Thatchers on a Sunday evening does for you! Saw this and those tossers sprang to mind. Feel free to delete if it's not as funny as I think it is right now!
  6. Gas hit squad on drunken rampage after draw at home to Rochdale https://www.bing.com/search?q=dancing+in+the+street+no+music&form=APIPH1&PC=APPL
  7. Far too intellectual for the average Rovers fan, who is probably sat at home picking left over spaghetti hoops off of his T-shirt and rubbing their groin over Louis Walsh whilst watching X-factor on catch up.
  8. I disagree. I thought O'dowda showed Freeman exactly what he should have been doing when he came on, with his more direct style.
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