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Everything posted by REDOXO

  1. Sheffield v Leeds tonight isn’t it. The mere fact we will be cheering for Leeds shows what a shit show of a top six squad Manning Tinnion and Junior have turned us into.
  2. Mr Pearson’s last game he had Joe James at CB On the bench we had Nelson Idehen Yeboah Backwell Thomas and Knight-Labell. Tommy Conway on the bench coming back from injury too No Wells James the list goes on and Brian Tinnion recommends Mr Manning as our squad made up of U18s and U21s was a top six squad. The revisionism on here is astounding!
  3. We need a win by any fashion. The youth team did what the first team can’t. I’m thinking it will get pointed out tomorrow
  4. I’d take it for the first team in a heartbeat!
  5. He certainly got skinned on a number of occasions. Bringing on Burns with 30 or so to go was a clever move in as much as he was fresh and Pring has been carrying knocks. I’ve noticed a couple of posts about McCrorie. Personally I like him as he wants to make things happen. I’m sure that will be coached out of him soon!
  6. It’s good they hold him in so much esteem. A good number two I’ll be bound.
  7. I listened to the last 15 or so Dave. It is without any doubt in my mind that Mr Manning was recommended by Brian T. I’ve said a couple of times before that this week is huge for Brian. If we don’t win (I would snatch a point if it were offered) on Sunday then he is on the chopping block as much as anyone else. However what do you do if you are SL JL or Gavin Marshall (I’m sure he’s delighted that we are hearing his name so often now.) I believe There are some things to consider 1 Gavin is the accountant and the thing he knows above all else is the value and revenue of the club will plummet if we go down. On top of that he maybe held somewhat liable by SL himself in the hiring. The paying off of a few contracts is small potatoes compared to that. 2 Who replaces BT. I very much note Ian’s comments regarding the same people making the decision. I can see gardening leave and a gentle change in the summer in his future if things go badly, but who is available to make football recommendations other than him in the short term? I don’t know, but I suspect Mr Scudamore might have a clue about who and I would be amazed if one or two things haven’t already been ran by him. We already know he has a lot of influence at the club. 3 Who will we bring in as manager /head coach? My thought is nobody for the time being. As someone said Mr Manning was too big a change mid season, so you make a temporary replacement from within the club and get the players to buy into it. King is the obvious choice, with a couple of assistants you could pick any two from five I reckon. As you have stated often, this is a good group of lads/players who I know will put it in if the shackles came off! God I hope we win on Sunday! The thought of a relegation battle and going to Stoke on the last day needing something makes me feel a little bit sick. But here we are! There are no sure things whatever we do but Mr Manning looks so out of his depth it’s almost cruelty to keep him!
  8. Dave has said that Manning should go NOW previously. Ian even said as much on a previous show. (Your friend Dave Fevs was the comment) Thats old news. He even said it on Radio Bristol. I don’t think “you” singular are in the “pay/pocket” of BCFC but Ian is clearly in the pocket of influences from within the club which makes your show and his constant tweets predictable! I joined twitter recently just to respond to some of the constant garbage! The issue was that all the time little nuggets of info from within the club came out on your show everyone was ok with it. The fact is he’s been allowed to get away with the rhetoric for a long time and others have been guilty of going along with constant attacks on the last manager and a constant defense of this. Nobody’s agenda coming across there! However this shit show is now indefensible so it’s not much of a surprise that people are out on a limb. I expect a show to have controversy that’s why I switched off the other podcasts (which I will try again now) but I don’t expect them to have a mouthpiece for influences within Bristol Sport as a main contributor! Has anyone out and out asked him if he is getting information from Brian T on air? I will think about your kind offer to come on air and I will text you at some point over the coming weeks to try and arrange it. But I am typically six hours behind you so nine am won’t work.
  9. If anyone thinks that discussion is not/has not taken place behind closed doors then they are way off i dont know if either Lansdown bothered to go to Ipswich (anyone know) but both would have watched one way or another. any way allegedly the conversation went something like this. JL. Dad that Mr Manning has turned out to be a bit of a duffer SL. Who had the idea of sacking Pearson JL. It was Brian dad. I went along with it so I could look like I was doing something SL. Son Brian is a football genius it can’t of been him. JL. Honest it was him. He said we should be doing better with a top six squad. SL. **** off back to your yacht. I’ll sort it. But no blow or hookers. JL. OKAAAAAY! For the record. Andy King as caretaker with Naismith and Wells.
  10. He is not alone in his assessment!
  11. I started watching. But stoped it after ten. Same crap different day! You just sit there and wait for the absolution of Manning and Tinnion. If that been any other manager (particularly Pearson) there would of been all sorts of mayhem, but because the football club can partially control the message and no one really gets in Ian’s face it’s a bore fest. Four defeats in a row and some are praising our team for not being utter rubbish I think I’ll try another podcast next week !
  12. He does sound sad! Steve needs to tell Jon to put him out of his misery and fire Tinnion! Steve will go nowhere until a deal can be done, but who on earth wants this nonsense!
  13. Also ask @Curr Avonwhere he gets his gear from? Probably all those green shoots he’s seeing! Hopefully it will be lively. I’ll tune in after hours!
  14. What are you smoking? The team give a performance that is not total rubbish and showed a little more than the last three games and that’s the shoots of a revival We are bottom of the form table for a reason. Liam Manning and our acceptance of mediocrity after a bullshit decision would be it!
  15. REDOXO


    He went the right way and gave himself a chance!
  16. I could not agree more. The obvious is a bit out of his range I reckon.
  17. Manning says not.
  18. REDOXO


    Exactly. We conceded three goals because we were shown to be what we ar at the back…slow and we give the ball away in to many dangerous areas. Ipswich didn’t mess around they attacked us fast. Max was excellent behind a laborious team that apparently we all should be excited about as we were not utterly awful.
  19. I agree. The bloke gets another game on the basis of we were not utterly crap.
  20. I know it! That is difficult take. Particularly as it was Wes Burns that ripped us a new one.
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