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Everything posted by Andy082005

  1. Spot on post! Ive heard a few people saying he was a waste of money and it annoys me a little. He is getting fitter and sharper all the time, and looks so strong on the ball at times. Great first touch and always looks capable of producing a flick or a pass which will lead to a goal scoring opportunity. I always said that we would be lucky to get 12 goals out of Trundle this year, but he brings a lot more to the team then goals. I still think it was a good signing, even though £1m may be a tad pricey.....but hey, if you got a £1m.....you spend it on what we need
  2. Dinning was a very good player, still is. Would WALK into our midfield at the minute. Did anyone sat in the Atyeo notice that when we played port Vale at the Gate earlier in the season, when all the Vale players came off, Bell, Matthews etc was clapped off yet Dinning was boo'ed, and as he walked towards the tunnel he shrugged his shoulders and then pointed in the air as if to gesture "someone higher up then him" forced him out Just a thought
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