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Ronnie Sinclair

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Everything posted by Ronnie Sinclair

  1. cue the classified football results being read out at 5:30pm on a Saturday as games will still be going on past 5pm!
  2. A Collarwatch™ update - bought the boy his shirt today and Harry Hill indeed wouldn’t wear it himself (this is a 13 years size, with a 20 years collar presumably….)
  3. that's to allow all the boiling unmentionable run out when we find something else they've done to laugh at that'll be to allow all the boiling unmentionable to run out once they've seen we've usurped them at something again
  4. I won't complain about our 'superstore' ever again, the bogs at my old junior school had a better entrance than this (and they wonder why we take the piss, pun intended)
  5. A nice line in yellow and green training wear on display tonight.....
  6. Francis signed him from Orient I think
  7. A sad irony that Trevor Francis signed Chris from Orient when he was the Sheffield Wednesday manager. May they both sleep well
  8. Yes down by The Harvesters
  9. I work with personal data every day at work and am reading this thread from behind the sofa, if I even send this sort of data internally it has to be signed off first and password protected otherwise one would be in deep trouble - even one person's data being leaked is one too many they could be in a bit of bother if its not 'dummy' data
  10. Like most things in life, there will always be a club with a worse kit
  11. Yes, shouting "get in the hole" on a Par 5 tee shot is borderline lunacy
  12. Whoever thought of that idea needs sectioning immediately !
  13. I'd want to see Bajic a few more times before writing him off, as that Lincoln game was a bad day at the office all round (to put it politely). Then we can decide if he needs to be filed on the Giefer and Marinovic pile
  14. I recall when squad numbers first came out and were optional, Charlton did theirs alphabetically, and defender Stuart Balmer wore No. 1 ?
  15. Apart from Harry Hill, there's only one person who can carry off that collar
  16. Apparently the "X" on that test card denotes the centre of the TV screen
  17. I like to think I'm an open-minded sort of bloke. but Jesus wept Le Tissier makes David Icke look sane
  18. Found one with another questionabe collar, new Millwall from Errea (sorry if who is wearing it triggers anyone!)
  19. Whoever you wanted to win, what a spectacle of sport that was from two great sportsmen - well played gents
  20. Coventry no problem getting a new kit from Hummel
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