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Ronnie Sinclair

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Everything posted by Ronnie Sinclair

  1. Is there any medication one can take for aching ribs please (asking for a friend)
  2. The bloke on the radio now is nearly crying
  3. All we need is Wigan to score at Shrewsbury - Agent Wilbs you know what to do son
  4. Dodoo opened the scoring for Wigan Athletic this afternoon, at the end of the afternoon this will hopefully be nicely bookended with Rovers in deep Dodoo
  5. It won't kick off in the technical areas I suspect, Appleton would flatten Barton would he not
  6. Is that the same cleaners that cleaned the carpets in the supporters lounge? (asking for a friend)
  7. If you look up the word 'bellend' in the Illustrated Oxford English Dictionary, there is a picture of Barton next to the entry. A vile man perfect for a vile club.
  8. Wilfrid Brambell is more likely to sign for that lot, and he's been dead for the best part of 40 years
  9. God, Barton really is a w****r isn't he? The blame for results lies at the manager's door you simpleton
  10. I remember having to go to school the day after that dicking we got in 1990 - they all came out of the closet that day to make anyone of a City persuasion's life a misery for months on end so for that alone **** em. Is there an odder-behaved fanbase in the whole of the Football League?
  11. Given their surroundings tonight, its apt Swindle have Camp and Twine in their line-up
  12. Bless - social distancing 60 years ago fair play
  13. Attendicitis I think it’s called - it really is bizarre behaviour on their part
  14. That's bad news - he's hopeless! (then again so is the other keeper....)
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