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Everything posted by mozo

  1. I thought we did a really good job for mist of that half. Totally nullified WBA, played the ball forwards, at times pressed high. It was almost a perfect away performance, and then a bad ball from Knight starts a chain of events containing several errors. I thing Manning got the tactics right, and the players almost did their jobs well.
  2. I genuinely don't know who the first choice right back should be
  3. That's what people wanted so one less thing for OTIB to rail against! Seems like a reasonable lineup. Sykes a no brainer and Roberts seems to be sharper than Pring at the moment. Williams and James out is a worry though, and we might not see much more of them going forwards at this rate!
  4. My hypothesis is that in the games that we did well in (I won't say the S-word ), we were better at showing for the ball, finding players whether in space or tight, one touch play and forward passing in all thirds of the pitch. When a few of those areas drop off, we look negative and ponderous, and fans react accordingly. Now, some people think I'm giving too much benefit of the doubt to the gaffer, which might or might not be the case
  5. I'd be very pleased with 4 or 5 points if we're just focusing on numbers
  6. Perhaps, but receiving the ball in tight spaces, and threading difficult balls is the level up compared with current imo. I think this is a pretty common challenge for Championship teams when faced with an energetic press. Nige used to talk about being brave with the ball and I think it's an enduring problem. Tanner and Vyner are just very limited [currently] in their vision and confidence passing the ball imo. Hence they hesitate and go back. They are great at defending though.
  7. No but I put in another thread that I see midfielders showing to receive the ball but defenders not being "brave" enough to play the ball. I think it's a player problem. As you know, there's nothing wrong with going back to then go forwards, but we're struggling with that atm
  8. What do you mean by "not great at them"? Versus what expectation? Dors he give an update? Yes. Does he stand up to any question that Piercy throws at him without letting emotion get to him? Yes. What more do you need? Jokes? Card tricks? I think pre-match interviews are just a tick box for managers and he ticks the box and gets back to work. He said in the last one that his football philosophy is to have control of possession with intent to attack and not to keep passing it around the back. That's what we want to hear. Job done. I also see a lot of comments about how unmotivated his voice is. Well, the players have looked highly motivated I'm almost all of Manning's games. We've had problems under Manning but motivation isn't one of them. Some of the criticism has been reasonable, some of it doesn't make sense.
  9. I don't think ore-match interviews are supposed to be entertaining anyway. We just need to know about injuries and the rest is for the journos to write their standard preview.
  10. I wouldn't go as far as your first sentence, but the level of negativity on here across the board is quite extreme for a manager who is only marginally underperforming. If we were getting hammered every week I'd understand. I totally defend the right for people to criticise Manning though, that's their prerogative. Some of it is a bit childish, but hey this is OTIB; not the place to come for sanity! Passion, hard work and hunger are three big ticks and not to be sniffed at. Competency is another very important tick box, and for me the jury's undecided, whereas other people have jumped to a quicker conclusion (some more politely than others, which I think has irritated Jimbo in this case.)
  11. My total guess would be that Twine plays the first hour. I'm not sure how Knight fits in though, presuming Mehmeti and Sykes continue in the wider roles
  12. I think that's biggest bit, right...?
  13. Just to clarify, it was only a hypothetical and what actually happens could be very different I liked everyone's answers though
  14. Pre-season, when it became clear that we weren't spending much of the Scott money, I predicted we would finish mid table. Nige looked like he was going to get us mid-table, and now Manning too. Both managers struggled to get us to be clinical in the final third and it is costing us. When you look at the profile of our forwards, it's hardly surprising. Most of them are young and learning their trade.
  15. Here's a hypothetical for you Silvio, and indeed anyone else, given these two options, which would you choose...? 1. We beat WBA and Leicester 1-0 in the same unconvincing manner as Swansea, or... 2. We lose to both WBA and Leicester despite a gallant effort, playing attractive front-foot football? So I'm offering you three wins in a row, or six defeats from 7 games, you choose...
  16. Great breakdown of your view Fevs I think if he was successful in the the throwing money scenario he would still get credit. Realistically, there's only so much money to spend, and in my view the only way a top manager like Nige was going to have any chance of success is by being given money to spend. In fact, not being given a transfer kitty is what did for Nige, because his squad was lacking depth of quality and experience and was therefore unable to sustain an injury crisis, and a losing streak followed (and the board saw their sinister opportunity). I agree though that if Manning reverts to us being a 4-3-3 counter attacking team, and it brings success, you can definitely say I told you so and Manning can thank Nige for the blueprint. I can't imagine he'll do it though (nor do I think it will bring success, unless we do strengthen in those forward areas). With you on judging Tins too.
  17. I thought Manning did well in that interview, and I'm still willing to give his explanations the benefit of the doubt.
  18. Probably worth pointing out that fans have been delighted with the pathway in recent years, and happy with a fair few transfers, eg Bird and Stokes incoming. Its not all bad, but communication is a major issue.
  19. Yeah, it's really not hard is it. The sacking of Nige could have been simply justified with; "We have decided to bring forward plans to take the first team strategy in a new direction, with a head coach who we think has the potential to build a successful era for the club." It's more modest, closer to the truth, doesn't promise immediate success, and whilst it doesn't placate fans that wanted Nige to stay, at least the bullshit levels are low. And that's the issue with the examples you gave; the club jumps to a sort of insecure bullshit response, when a more modest, surface level summary would be much better. Don't do welcome videos for Mebude and Murphy, hyping up the fans, then fail to manage expectations about those players. There are no dark secrets to be uncovered, just bad communication.
  20. I've been banging on for years about how awful the PR is at this club. The Holden appointment, the Nige sacking, Lansdown on Nige, Lansdown on investment.... If Tinnion isn't a natural PR guy, why doesn't someone help him? Bad PR just enrages the fans, especially if the facts don't match up with the bungled explanations.
  21. Mate, I totally agree that Manning needs time... but your constant lairy bickering with other posters isn't bringing much value to OTIB
  22. It's funny because playing bad and winning is supposed to be a sign of a good team, and on a good run would be hailed as a positive. Obviously, everything is in context of the current run. Good job the season didn't start on 1st January, which is effectively an arbitrary date. We've had ups and downs during the Manning reign so let's sew if another good run materialises before the end of the season. It's a fun concept Dave, and quite a huge claim...give us full run down of how you see that.
  23. I don't think so for the following reason... When our defenders are ponderous.... it can't be the instruction, because the midfielders are holding their hands out saying why didn't you pass to me. Similarly, when TGH dallies, he often has a players showing for him that he doesn't pass to quick enough. The structure is there but the execution isn't in my opinion.
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