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italian dave

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Everything posted by italian dave

  1. Were we stable, though? It would seem that there was a serious breakdown in trust and relationships between the senior management of the club. That’s not stable. In fact, that’s the most risky level of instability for any organisation. And one symptom of that lack of trust, and manifestation of that risk, is inherent in the point you make about the money. The mistrust led to there being no money made available. Now that the trust is back the money is there, and that’s surely good for the club’s future. I know what you’ll say, and appreciate that there are all sorts of views and speculation about the rights and wrongs of the breakdown, and no doubt most would say they’d prefer to have kept NP and lost JL! But that’s not really the point. Whatever the rights and wrongs were, losing JL was never going to happen, there was only ever going to be one outcome. And in the longer term interest of the club, getting that resolved was crucial, not least because it now gives us that stability at the top of the club.
  2. “Blocking the pathway” is kind of catch 22 or chicken/egg or something like that isn’t it? Nelson/Yeboah are only going to make it as Championship level players if they’re given games. But at the same time, just giving them more and more games isn’t necessarily going to make them Championship level players. And coaching might make it more likely, but still can’t ever guarantee it. I’m all for the academy and like nothing more than seeing players come through it and succeed. But at the same time, I’m wary of just assuming that the academy is a guaranteed production line of Semenyo and Scotts. There will be periods when it isn’t. And I’m quite comfortable with a strategy that recognises that and is flexible enough to bring in young talent that we can improve too. As you say, the option makes that work, so I’m hoping that’s correct.
  3. Maybe there’s an option over referring to the option?
  4. Glass half full here……it will be Bournemouth.
  5. Love it! 50 page threads of speculation on players we never sign. And then along comes a thread where the very first post confirms a signing! Played a blinder, City!
  6. Starting to think that perhaps @Robbored has it right
  7. Presumably because Derby also have a say at this point in time….
  8. I was about to say 100% agree that it’s just how they fall……but I had a quick look and what I hadn’t realised is that those four games, 2200 miles, fall in the space of just 16 days! And, even worse, three of them are night games. To be fair to Leeds (something I’m reluctant to do!) you have to say that it’s unusual for them to fall quite like that! Plymouths are over the space of more than a month, three on Saturdays….plus, if you support Plymouth then long trips is just what you do!
  9. Heat of the moment and all that……but if you wanted a description to define what’s ‘opinion’ as opposed to ‘fact’ then you couldn’t do much better than ‘dog shit’.
  10. Corners I’m hopeful now, when (if!) Twine is fit. But throw ins; you’re right….consistently poor. Why don’t we at least watch and learn from other sides.
  11. You’re right: I thought he had too, but then couldn’t find the game. I was looking for him being a sub for Gerken - I’d forgotten that we’d used all our subs. Certainly not a career high for him at Ashton Gate, although he’ll probably have never forgotten it!
  12. I don’t think it’s fair to judge Maierhofer on those three games. One of them was the Plymouth game when GJ had that half time dressing room bust up. We played him up front and played the most ridiculous ‘hoof it high to the big bloke up front’ that I’ve ever seen. The GJ got the sack! And the other two ‘appearances’ were as a sub in the 82nd and the 94th minute! So I reckon in those three games he played under two manager, in at least two different positions, and had only one start! He probably has more right to judge us as a club at that time than we do him….and you couldn’t blame him for having a poor opinion of us
  13. Easy to get numbers the wrong way round……just like it is with letters
  14. I agree, but I just think that the fact we haven’t got anyone yet doesn’t necessarily mean we haven’t tried, or that Lansdown isn’t prepared to back it. Everyone would love a striker who’d put away chances; it’s easier said than done to get one! And the January window isn’t the most fruitful either, as a rule.
  15. The outcome really depends on whether you’re Barnsley or West Ham though!
  16. Yes. Mrs ID can’t get it to update to todays.
  17. Didn’t Col Gadaffi try that once, with his son going to a Serie A club? I don’t think that worked out too well.
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