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Gillies Downs Leeds

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Everything posted by Gillies Downs Leeds

  1. At the start Dave if you look closely he is pulling Massengo's massive hair. That should have been the first infringement the ref should have spotted before HNM wrestled him to the ground.
  2. And noticed Simpson was geeing the players up when they came out for the 2nd half.
  3. Yep good upper body strength for his age and good balance. He was one of the main reasons we saw the game out. He won quite a few free kicks late on to run the clock down.
  4. It would have been good game management if it were Stoke doing it.
  5. Don Goodman is always pro Midlands clubs.
  6. Mackem fans won't be happy tonight. One nil up against 10 men for half the game and only drawing.
  7. Not long to the next one, it's players championship at Butlins Minehead this weekend. Starts on ITV4 early afternoon on Friday
  8. Yeah totally focused. See he had his family there, first time I have seen that.
  9. Lovely 2nd goal just gone in for Bournemouth. Great football.
  10. Price will get beat by Clayton tonight. Clayton best player in the world at the moment.
  11. 5 players there who have had little football of late. Kalas will play, possibly right back.
  12. I am not sure that there is not a mentality issue here. He had consistent shin splint issues, and maybe that is still affecting him, if not physically but mentally. For sure he has been very disappointing of late and gets targeted by the opposition.
  13. Didn't mention Weimann I don't think. Tanner is out, can see Kalas playing right back on Saturday with Atkinson & Baker central.
  14. Yep if memory serves he played as an extra centre half to mark their giant centre forward (Francis) ? Remember loads of long throws coming into our box.
  15. Good watch this one, Stockport v Bolton.
  16. He must have come on to take the penalty ?
  17. Got an assist in a 2-0 win away to Sweden this afternoon. Played 85 mins.
  18. Was injured late on at the weekend. Wasn't expected to be involved at all tonight.
  19. For attacking corners, I recall that he would be near as damn it on the halfway line.
  20. Think the club has to do something in the next fortnight. There is a massive month coming up for the team and help of some sort is needed as can't see NP being back for a while.
  21. Thought Norwich were going for the manager of the Norwegian team that thrashed Roma 6-1 the other week
  22. For those interested Richard Gould is on Sound of the City on radio Bristol tonight.
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