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Gillies Downs Leeds

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Everything posted by Gillies Downs Leeds

  1. It was the fact he decided to join TBCUTR (The Big Club Up The Road) as they call us, that is what a Yeovil supporting mate said. Anyone but us and he wouldn't have been booed apparently!!
  2. Korey Smith to score at any time tonight. Just heard an interview with him and he scored their for both Oldham and Norwich. First league goal of the season awaits!!
  3. Well Gary "i need 3 players to be competitive" Johnson's team easily disposed of Bradford today and MK are so inconsistant season in season out. I agree Posh will be up their with the likes of PNE, Sheff U and ourselves.
  4. Fancy a win today and a goal for Cunningham. He does tend to get into some very good goalscoring positions when playing the wing back role.
  5. Why is when we try to rough teams up early we always pick up a booking, whereas other teams don't seem to. We obviously haven't got the knack!!
  6. Cotterill would have worked with the team for the last couple of days, Wade Elliott only signed early afternoon so would not have worked at our system. Will be in on Saturday i would imagine along with Reid and JET. Having seen Brentford's pitch on Friday night it was really heavy and bobbly, not a pitch where JET and Reid would be at there best on but i do agree it is a big risk.
  7. After one game for us and at the most one training session? Let's give the bloke a chance to settle eh?
  8. Weren't both of his goals away to MK one on one's plus his first goal on Saturday?
  9. I think it is Marcus Bent, think he has played for the most premier league clubs and being a striker you would have hoped scored for the most.
  10. Had to google it but the other Republic of Ireland player was Ronnie O'Brien!
  11. Well done let's drive another player out of the club. Still too much negativity in our fan base which is why as a club we will never move forward. On the same point the booing at half time was cringeworthy!!
  12. Agree the 3 centre backs have been playing well but none of them are what i would call a leader. This is something that has been missing in recent seasons and i would be very surprised if the rumour of him becoming captain isn't true. Waggy couldn't play right back (wing back yes) and i think Moloney is too lightweight and gets pushed off the ball too easily when playing right back. If we went back to a back 4 i would expect Osborne to play right back
  13. Marv had his best game of the season last Saturday, would have been harsh to leave him out imo. Perhaps Bradford are a big tall team and Marv is in there to help counter this.
  14. The thing Bobby needs to work on is his stamina. His legs have usually gone around the 70 min mark.
  15. Somebody i know was ejected from the lower Williams on Saturday for telling the Lansdown's what he thought of them!!
  16. I really can't see what Elliott has done wrong today to get all of the criticism on here!! Just suits some peoples agendas i suppose!
  17. Why would you do that when the only threat Tamworth have is long throws etc. We are comfortable and Taylor is doing is job defending the set pieces. How would Bobby help in that respect?
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