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Everything posted by Snufflelufagus

  1. He once bought an entire street in Liverpool for £1. Imagine when he turned up at the mem for the interview he would think he is back there.
  2. What are these assets that a few have spoke of? How much is a tent worth these days.
  3. I see they have a small bristol energy sponsor on part of the kit. Why is a council owned company giving my council tax to that lot?
  4. re bodin I wonder if wael will tweet the same thing when we got taylor. Something along the lines of why pay for something now when you could have had that something for free in the Summer
  5. Being a FIFA deligate i wonder who Wael voted for in the 2022 world cup? My alarm bells would be ringing just at the fact that he is on FIFA let alone anything else.
  6. Steve Hamer http://www.fansnetwork.co.uk/football/swanseacity/news/21148/a-chairman-elect/on-this-day
  7. Head say a big loss. Though am getting married today so heart is certainly hoping for two amazing things today.
  8. Did anyone else hear about the City coach (scholars) that apparently was vandalised at Reading services by the 'family club'? Was on twitter so not sure how true.
  9. Also my first thought is haha. But secondly very sad situation for Bristol. The only way to get rid of the greens is to stand against them at the election.
  10. So 5 wins should do it. I go for Peterborough away, Watford home, Derby home, Coventry home and Barnsley home to do it.
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