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Barrs Court Red

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Everything posted by Barrs Court Red

  1. See I’d see Feb/March as a knee jerk - I guess we all have different tolerance levels. The guys got a difficult job, but I think by this time next year it will give us a better idea if he’s up to it or not.
  2. Blokes only ever won “League One Manager of the month awards”. He’s about as much an expert on winning as JL is on elite sports conditioning and fitness. What a pair.
  3. “It’s 1pm so here is todays team draw, brought to you by our principle partner Huboo” Think of the commercial opportunities…LJ was a visionary /s
  4. Ironic, considering he hasn’t been able to perform in a singular role for sometime now.
  5. Limiting who he’ll sale too (which is great, don’t get me wrong) limits the pool of potential marks buyers, which could change the viability of the asking price. Meanwhile we don’t really see other club sales drawing out for such a timespan, mainly I guess because they are not lumbered with a load of tat. Coupled together, I think that’s probably why the language is changing to “investment” rather than “ownership”.
  6. The evidence suggests otherwise no? He’s been stating it’s been up for sale openly for what, the last 2 years? My guess is privately it would have been much longer.
  7. That doesn’t look a great crowd…just as well it wasn’t moved to Cardiff.
  8. I think the actual details will be published on the 4th, or at least the accompanying maps anyway. If it was to go East fringe, I think this means it’s a long way off becoming reality.
  9. Does it? Supposedly where the new M4 junction will go which I can see makes it appealing from a commercial sense - without that though, I’m not sure that it’s a great location. I wonder if it’s the same site that was offered to Rovers, if not, I can’t see where else it would go.
  10. It’s an odd one. SL said he stuck with Robinson (Lams predecessor) for too long, yet has seemingly persisted with Lam a year more than he deserves. Stupidly Bears gave Lam a lengthy contract, which I suspect would be expensive to pay off.
  11. Ah probably my favourite England manager. RIP El Tel
  12. It was horrific yesterday. Trains cancelled here there and everywhere. Services massively delayed…and this was supposedly without strike action just how bad can it get!
  13. I really liked Middlesbroughs away kit yesterday. Chelseas 3rd kit I really like. AC Milan’s away is nice too, especially considering this years home shirt is an aberration.
  14. No, not in the slightest. I know a few girls whose parents take them, who wouldn’t go and watch a City men’s game , so if anything it might actually be a way for people to start supporting their local club, having previously been a distant prem fan. It’s annoying that the WSL clashes with the Bristol Girls league though. That probably stops a large % of the potential interest from attending.
  15. Best goal I can remember seeing for some time, especially at City. Take a bow lad. Goal certainly came at the right time, people were seemingly getting restless. Bit harsh I thought.
  16. After a horrific start, Boro have really got some impressive results. I worry about today, but unbeatable they are not.
  17. That sign is one marker pen away from being very inappropriate
  18. I’m told the entire back office staff have been scrapped including the club secretary - anyone know?
  19. I forced myself to play through some matches. And I must say, the match engine plays very well. Seems much more like watching a game of football than 2023
  20. I too have said that Cardiff are our bigger rivals, but no more. That fixture is a shadow of what it used to be, and since their red shirt debacle I just can’t take them seriously. Rovers on the other hand, if we played them tomorrow that needle would be there. The build up to it would be discussed for weeks, and the game would be mentioned for weeks after.
  21. Wish it would come back as a preseason friendly Vs the Sags.
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