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Barrs Court Red

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Everything posted by Barrs Court Red

  1. Downloaded it (thanks gamespass), thought the save conversion was a great touch. Upon firing it up….I dunno. Just feel like I’ve done it all before. There’s nothing there that entices me in. The set piece redesign is nice, but the same old slog of press conferences and staff meetings remain. Im pretty sure that they’ve promised big changes in 2025 with a new engine which I think is desperately needed at this point - I love long play games, and when I see how lovely Crusader Kings looks for example, FM just seems tired.
  2. I must admit, I’m getting ****** off with chat bots and online forms with most companies, so when the guys and girls solve my ticketing woes within minutes and in one go, I’m always glad there’s still some people picking up phones at City.
  3. I think this thread should probably be locked at this point.
  4. I didn’t want that to end, cracking stuff
  5. Hold on you absolute whopper, you were saying we need to get behind the team the other day?
  6. Interesting use of language for a “teacher”.
  7. It’s words on a screen at the end of the day. Some possibly go too far in their views. But at the same time, it’s amazing the power that this forum (and also the YSC forum) could generate back in the noughties. With the growth of Twitter and Facebook, I think it flys under the radar to a large degree now.
  8. You want a conspiracy. Settle down champ and let me take you down the rabbit hole… Forget the new accounts, they’re obvious (if slightly weird behaviour). The real highlight is the group of accounts that registered around 2015. Most of these didn’t have many posts till recently, but almost all have been nudging certain messages when they have been active. In the last month they seem to have become really active. Total coincidence? Yeah probably. Too much time on my hands? Almost certainly. Still, it’s nice to dust off the human intelligence sourcing for an hour.
  9. Looking forward to how many double entendres we can get out of his name over the coming season. Cracking player too.
  10. Clean sheet and a draw away from home is an acceptable return. I’ll treat todays performance as a “baseline” and see how Manning improves upon it come May. Not overly arsed by league position, mid table and exiting football will suffice.
  11. Fingers crossed I like a lively winger, and in flashes he look like he could be a very exciting player.
  12. To say “it went right off” at half time would be an understatement.
  13. I love that there seems to be a game a night in the run up to Christmas. When the Sky Sports Christmas snowman starts popping up, you know the festive season has started.
  14. Ha I’ve had my fingers burned by not doing exactly that!
  15. Prince2 is a methodology containing a number of processes and underpinning principles. It’s not a process in itself. To translate into football terms, football management would be the methodology, and coaching would be a process - and there’s no one signing cowboys who don’t have evidence of coaching through their recognised coaching qualifications. Theres only one company in the world who I can think of that seemingly have no formal internal process, and that’s Valve. They don’t need to, because the Steam platform makes them billions through its mere existence. Even your mate Elons Tesla will have a tonne of processes and methodology that it follows.
  16. I like the colour blue. Green though. Urgh. While I love green scenery, anything else that is green is an abomination and should be destroyed,
  17. I think this first appeared on here in the summer, and it’s odd now as it was then. It smells, not just because it’s the North, but because of the local authorities pursuit of a cpo.
  18. Two very different journeys to where they are in terms of Bristol City appointment. Not sure a comparison is that telling either way.
  19. Unless he has a start like Benny, I’m sure fans will give him plenty of time.
  20. While I don’t think it’s fair on him, I think the wider point is, as with any job on the planet, if your relatively inexperienced in a role, your not really in a strong position to enact any/all the deviations you’d like from the strategy set from above. I guess it all depends on his remit. Do I think he’ll tolerate being told who to pick, no probably not. Do I think there’s other areas where he’ll acquiesce to those above, yes. I think you’d have to be a massive “name” to do otherwise with the latter in the modern game.
  21. The records will show a Jackson hatrick rather than the Spurs performance, which is tragic.
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