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Barrs Court Red

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Everything posted by Barrs Court Red

  1. I can't find the scene before where the circus owner laughs at someone wanting to buy from him.... But it seems this isn't far from the scenes today:
  2. Fantastic, I wonder if Higgs kept that little gem to himself while negotiating.
  3. so am I right in saying untill they get a cat 2 academy, we can pick up any good prospects for peanuts?
  4. Wowzers, I know OTIB can have its moments but.....they don't seem the brightest.
  5. I just hope comicle Ali becomes spokesman.
  6. I bet Higgs can't believe his luck, along with the others.
  7. This is what I referred to further up the thread. Announcement next week and UWE work will start at latest by April. However the timing seems off to me, as surely no deal would be done untill the court case is over, as that will affect the club value (for better or worse) massively.
  8. There's nothing wrong with a corporate structure. There's nothing wrong with deciding that your corporate structure is centred around 5 pillars, or 4 or even 1. The 5 pillars that City decided on were met with derision because they were 1) overplayed 2) coincided with a very bad time. SL has remedied the first problem, by removing Jnr from being in such a public position. From being a rigid framework constantly being the reason behind every decision, flexibility was shown under Cotts in terms of the approach, this also helped. As for the second point, many of the culture changes behind the scenes have already been implemented, so it won't seem such a massive change right in the middle of a huge relegation battle.
  9. I'm told there will be bigger news either way.
  10. **** off to Taunton or Trowbridge, wherever it was you claimed you would now be watching football. Utter belter.
  11. i was told that the due diligence threw up huge inconsistencies. Time will tell.
  12. Anyone who lives in Barrow has my pity.
  13. reported for racist chanting. Such class.
  14. Higgs won't sale until the Sainsburys case is resolved.
  15. I think glorious needs to set some examples. An execution or two with some AA guns might motivate the others
  16. their forum is utterly wrong I'm sad to say
  17. Colin Sex brought in as a Trojan horse, ready to carry out some serious penetration in the Rovers boardroom.
  18. Not if the plans are heavily scaled back I guess.
  19. Nick the Pig is in the Evil Post talking about plan b. Surely a "watertight contract" would of negated the need for a plan b? Key Points: Alternative plan In place (and has been for some time?) putting the finishing touches to it but can't go into detail (it doesn't exist?) Wont stop aiming to build stadium "and that may very well be at UWE" (So does that mean as it stands UWE is no longer the preferred location?) Contract stipulates that Rovers would of provided a car park to UWE by a certain time "they (UWE) will hang in with us for as long as they can" Evil Barclays forced Rovers to refinance "They wouldn't support us"
  20. Joshua would destroy him. Poor mans chisora
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