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Northern Red

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Everything posted by Northern Red

  1. I don't get the fuss over it, never have done. He only did what many other players would and it doesn't even come into the equation when you compare it to his other offences.
  2. They'll hate the groundsman more.
  3. I'd say it's the biggest difference, without hesitation. It's clear that there's mutual respect and trust between the manager and players, and the squad is far more united than previous England teams.
  4. Not St. Lionel. Can think of certain players who'd be getting crucified for that.
  5. It's meant to overturn clear and obvious errors. On what grounds was that clear and obvious?
  6. That's a shit decision. Haha! Justice done.
  7. Montpellier. Was at Sunderland a few years ago.
  8. Yet. I've no doubt that if they did ever become seriously good, their inbuilt twatishness would come to the fore.
  9. VAR took 3 minutes to flag that up. Not good enough.
  10. Next season's fixtures are out: Glos: https://www.gloscricket.co.uk/news/2023-fixtures-gloucestershires-season-in-full/ Somerset: https://www.somersetcountycc.co.uk/news/club-news/2023-fixtures-announced/
  11. Talk now that the start could be pushed back a day if England can't field a team.
  12. They had named the team but I presume that's now subject to change: Crawley, Duckett, Pope, Root, Brook, Stokes, Foakes, Livingstone, Robinson, Leach, Anderson.
  13. I've seen many comments from Man Utd fans about how watching the Dutch is triggering their PTSD from his time in charge of them.
  14. I can't help thinking that a lot of the moaning about the first half was people who'd decided in advance that it was going to be shit, regardless of what might actually happen on the pitch.
  15. Danny Wilson would have been managing Sheff Wed I think?
  16. We had Everton at home in 1999.
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