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Northern Red

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Everything posted by Northern Red

  1. Definite sense that a few quite enjoyed the fact that King was responsible for that;
  2. That's a sad one, brilliant footballer in his day.
  3. Apparently they'd sold 70k, they've switched their game against Exeter in March to Twickenham so they're just transferring tickets for everyone who wants to go.
  4. The game against Quins that was due to be played at Twickenham on Dec 27th has now been switched to the Stoop due to the impact of rail strikes.
  5. Rehan Ahmed makes his debut tomorrow. Foakes also back in, Anderson and Jacks drop out.
  6. On the subject of TVs in shop windows, that was how I first found out about the 9/11 attacks. A few of us had gone from school to Leeds University for an open day, and as we were walking back through the city centre to the station for our train home, we passed Currys or Dixons and saw a load of people crowded round the TV on display in the window, which was showing the breaking news of what was going on.
  7. I recall my Nana had a black and white portable TV that you had to turn the tuning knob to change channel on, and she was able to pick up a signal from a Sky dish (pre digital days) that one of her neighbours had, although obviously she could only watch what they happened to have on.
  8. I do recall one of our apprentices at work being amazed at being told that we only had 4 channels when we were kids, he having grown up in the era of Freeview and Sky Digital.
  9. Film - Home Alone Song - Stop the Cavalry or I Believe in Father Christmas This is an oft-forgotten banger though:
  10. A one-off due to the World Cup.
  11. My grandparents both worked there for a bit and had exactly the same!
  12. Croatia have won 1 game out of 6 in 90 minutes. Their gameplan relies on them being resilient and hanging in, so conceding 2 in quick succession did for them tonight.
  13. I think a lot of the praise he's been getting in the tournament has been OTT, but that was a bit special.
  14. Train strike this weekend will put a few off.
  15. Argentina barely had an attack until they scored.
  16. All that stemmed from an Argentina goal kick that should have been a Croatian corner.
  17. My Mum had a Mini Metro and the choke on it wouldn't stay out when you pulled it, so she used to have a clothes peg to hold it in position.
  18. Tonight's game at Newcastle is off due to a frozen pitch.
  19. Smalling was dropped by Southgate almost as soon as he got the job, despite still being a regular starter in the Man Utd team at that point.
  20. Sure Raheem Sterling would have found it hilarious as well...
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