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Northern Red

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Everything posted by Northern Red

  1. Northern Red


    That and he wanted to speak to Burnley about going there but the owner wouldn't let him. Anyone thinking he wouldn't be eyeing up something bigger if he came here is almost as naive as those who think he'd come in the first place.
  2. Is there anything you do like about the club? Assuming the answer is no, why are you still here?
  3. Of course he didn't, but it suits the narrative.
  4. Yep. Love the bloke for what he did here but his time has been and gone, and people forget how bad we were by the time he left (the reasons for which have been done to death)
  5. Northern Red


    The levels of delusion persist, Wilder FFS. It'll be Euell.
  6. No it hasn't you hysterical old man.
  7. Journos currently daring each other to ask if he heard S82 chantingfor him to leave. Nige to say it was the only time he heard them all afternoon.
  8. We got one 2 games ago. No surprise that you were nowhere to be seen.
  9. I thought you'd be delighted he's dropped Martin. Suppose it gives you a chance to find another target though.
  10. My school had a separate staff room for the smokers. Remember having to knock on the door for something and the plume of smoke would hit you as soon as it was opened.
  11. Do they not print any at all now? I thought they still gave them out in the hospitality areas.
  12. I recall a certain highly opinionated Radio Bristol regular contributor was voted Most Annoying poster or something similar and then refused to participate in the following year's awards.
  13. Whist true, I think that's as much to do with timing as anything else. This isn't the first time that he's spoken immediately after a bad result and been awkward, some would say rude, but then at the next press conference a few days later been on good form, happy to engage and providing some real insight.
  14. Yep. In that video with Scott and Conway that they put out last week, Tommy mentioned how much he'd learnt from Nahki, not just playing together in the U21/3s but from spending most of last season on the bench with him and how professional he was about not playing when he could have sulked and kicked up a stink about it.
  15. He wasn't in charge tonight.
  16. Northern Red


    Stokes should win it but probably won't.
  17. Northern Red


    Mead 1/25 Stokes 14/1 O’Sullivan 40/1 Muirhead 66/1 Wightman 100/1 Gadriva 150/1
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