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Northern Red

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Everything posted by Northern Red

  1. Northern Red


    She's very heavy odds on.
  2. Good luck to him but that's a proper tough gig to take on, they're an absolute mess on and off the pitch.
  3. Broad has just made a similar point on Sky, they'd have been poking and prodding around trying not to get out tonight, but instead the openers went out and basically won the game in 8 overs.
  4. That's different because er....er....er....no you shut up.
  5. He was even trying to hang on to the trophy as long as he could when Messi was clearly desperate to get his hands on it to lift it.
  6. Aguero channelling his inner John Terry here.
  7. But, but, the same player shouldn't take the second penalty, or something...
  8. Yep. If he follows it up properly and gets awkward non-answers and snippy comments back then I don't think you can criticise him and it's Pearson who looks bad. As it is, we've got a potentially revealing comment that wasn't expanded on which simply leads to what we've seen on here, people drawing their own conclusions to fit their view, which may prove to be correct but equally might be complete nonsense.
  9. Non-Disclosure Agreement
  10. Can only assume that virus has had a bigger effect on France than anyone anticipated. They're miles off it. edit: and the 2 subs already would appear to confirm it
  11. I don't think an NDA would have any relevance in this instance tbh. Besides, he left before Pearson arrived.
  12. And now we're on to just making things up. Brilliant. Christ this place is a ******* shambles after a defeat.
  13. Do you have comprehension issues or are you doing this deliberately?
  14. Given that the OP literally ******* says "not using him as the excuse", I'm not sure why the need for people to go on about deeper problems. There are plenty of other threads to do that on.
  15. Bang on. That flare-up right at the end was entirety his fault. Lost control of the game which led to players losing their cool. And refs like him are the reason that the timekeeping they've been using in the World Cup needs to be brought in here asap. Once Stoke went in front they quickly worked out they could push it and he wouldn't do anything, the booking for the keeper came at least 15 minutes too late.
  16. And, lo, the narrative was set. As I said earlier, manna from heaven for certain people. Absolutely revelling in it.
  17. Do we know that Atkinson was definitely available today? Not even making the bench suggests to me that he wasn't. edit: just seen the bit on the other thread that suggests he was. All very odd.
  18. I haven't defended the performance. My question is why certain people were nowhere to be seen after a win last week yet are all over it like a dose of the clap today.
  19. Yeah. Probably shouldn't count it then. Not even sure why you want him gone when you'll only turn on the next one after about 6 games.
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