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Northern Red

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Everything posted by Northern Red

  1. Confirmed: https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/cricket/68234342
  2. I see our Twitter admin have been doing their bit for community relations with the locals, asking where's the best place to go for a parmo and following up on the suggestions.
  3. QPR away tomorrow at 12. Cardiff at the HPC on Tuesday at 1pm.
  4. He was also being played all over the place at Derby, wingback etc.
  5. Watching from the stands tomorrow, so his first game will be at Birmingham on Tuesday.
  6. Manning did say that they could probably get away with putting Rob on the bench for the first team tomorrow, but it'd be better for him to get the guaranteed minutes for the U21s, plus they'd be unlikely to sub a CB unless they were injured.
  7. It'd be nice if the FA took this opportunity to send the England team around the country again. By all means play the Ireland game at Wembley because it should sell out, but no reason the other two can't be played elsewhere.
  8. I reckon they might show the Leicester game on Good Friday. It's already been moved to an early KO.
  9. The bit in bold is the key point. Because they've not given it on field, the VAR has to find something that would overturn that call. We have to assume they haven't been able to do so.
  10. We have to assume that the other angles that VAR has access to will show that it was okay.
  11. Bell is a forward, there'd be an expectation that he'd take one.
  12. Of course it's not, but there's never any attempt at understanding different situations or context. And when it's on the back of multiple threads being steered into the same argument again and again, it gets more than a bit boring after a while.
  13. West Ham beat Arsenal, so by the logic being displayed by some that makes us better than Arsenal, right?
  14. Excellent, another thread turns into a whine.
  15. And there's our mention!
  16. I'm hoping that was down to him being bothered by his finger and not thinking he'll be able to hang around for long.
  17. Ah well. 100% convinced that Bairstow isn't given out on field if the Crawley one hadn't been overturned.
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