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Clevedon Red

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Everything posted by Clevedon Red

  1. What is this music you talk of, don’t forget the dolmanites have no PA so can’t hear a chuffing thing. Thankfully this does mean we don’t have to suffer Downsy.
  2. Let’s hope he’s cremated, he’ll get his wish of great balls on fire.
  3. Scott was a fan as well as chairman. He even ran on the pitch at half time to remonstrate with a ref iirc.
  4. Swansea look to be quite dominant and pressing.
  5. Apparently he only got the job because of his naan.
  6. They do great chips…..that’s about as far as Mrs Clevedon has gone at the moment.
  7. We’ve been giving away soft goals for the past 3 years at least.
  8. No half times read out or put on the screen either.
  9. Bank holiday currently due on May 1st could be moved to May 8th games could then be played that day.
  10. It’s not one of @Davefevsgraphs is it? ??
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