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Clevedon Red

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Everything posted by Clevedon Red

  1. Nketiah…..you heard it here first.
  2. Saw them escorting one guy out…..15 minutes later they threw him out again ??
  3. The Cult cover was amazing,
  4. Because that’s what Sky demand I guess.
  5. I believe they were going to ban for life.
  6. Looking at the guy who attacked Sharp it was more fuelled by McDonalds than coke…
  7. Clearly didn’t participate in the 199 page Nketiah thread ??
  8. The Pratleys at Swiss Drive aren’t best pleased either.
  9. Can’t think why ? that’s what they call a leg breaker.
  10. On a par with the Sunday sport.
  11. We do, every club has them. At least we don’t have dumb fans who throw bottles……oh wait a minute…..
  12. Reckon we’d do the same to be fair
  13. Refs to be made accountable for decisions and explain it to the media.
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