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Clevedon Red

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Everything posted by Clevedon Red

  1. He didn’t just miss he did a Tomlin and absolutely skied it. Funny as….
  2. Did I hear that stat right, 346 days since an away clean sheet?
  3. What’s good for some isn’t for others I’ve found. Hence google.
  4. That and “is there a stream anywhere”? Do people not know of Google?
  5. They were like a travelling jukebox. The Beatles, Oasis and Yazoo. The camp “woo” at the end of their rendition of twist and shout was just plain odd.
  6. Wouldn’t bother going if I was you, don’t reckon we’ll get a result there somehow ??
  7. Don’t hold your breath, at the moment not even a clip put on any social media site by them.
  8. Lots of fence panels and roof tiles damaged here in Clevedon.
  9. Based on tonight’s team he’s had CoD surgically removed. Get well soon boss.
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