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Everything posted by southside

  1. I liked the comment about the word "Super" doing a lot of heavy lifting there ?
  2. A fan base so large that most have been locked outside of social media ?
  3. We couldn't get tickets for the Colston Hall so got some for Taunton Odeon
  4. There's a clip on Casualy when someone's coming out of the Venture in Knowle West then immediately running down the steps from Maudlin St to Park Row
  5. Some predictable responses from bitter Slagheads on the site ?
  6. And Kirti Azad being caught, the memories come flooding back
  7. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid02GsbtYPBHXvTa3rHukPdxYvTPRNcZ1upSLNonQjpR8UypybWyA2HnaH4DWSd7XNEVl&id=100044482147667&sfnsn=scwspmo
  8. Come on baby let the (comparatively) good times roll ?
  9. That was a different time, 84
  10. Was there that day, very wet, sat in that little stand though
  11. Yeah, with a rest day on the Sunday
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