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Everything posted by southside

  1. Singing "We shall not be moved" on the Town End, then they sent the police dogs in ?, got back in later, and stayed
  2. 1972, it had been lively at Swindon since '69, my first one was '70, seven shillings on the train, great days ?
  3. Sat in a sparsely populated Dolman that night, miserable doesn't cover it ?
  4. Was the first time the Miners benefit gig in 84 at Trinity with Brilliant Corners and Redskins?
  5. ? That's also my losing streak reference game, 1975
  6. "was a victim of its own hubris" I'm not really into that posh food served on roof tiles ?
  7. Talking of indirect free kicks, only yesterday I was watching a YouTube video of us playing Everton at AG from 78, we were given one in the penalty area from which Norman Hunter absolutely smashed it in
  8. When I was a young lad in the early '60's I thought that if a goalie made a save if was a goal to his side, also I thought that fireman started fires, I came to the conclusion I may have been incorrect in these assumptions ?
  9. Four Bemmy pubs, The Albert, London Inn, Black Cat and Tap and Barrel closed with immediate effect
  10. Surprised not to see the Dean Windass stand ?
  11. https://youtu.be/X2Dk61IW33Q
  12. That was the first cup final I can remember watching on telly (66)
  13. Won't somebody think of the poor plastic chairs? ?
  14. I thought he'd changed his first name, but no, he's Will Still ?
  15. I have been to Swansea by train and fortunately my hell didn't get bent ?
  16. But roses tended to grow on you ?
  17. "It's your time you're wasting" ?
  18. They were called gasheads by us from 75, they replied by calling us s***heads, that's basically it, a work of genius really ?
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