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Club and Country

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Everything posted by Club and Country

  1. Same opinion on the cuttlefish, luckily we found the other dishes so good it didn’t matter (the cannellini beans in particular) on souk kitchen agreed, an absolutely banging restaurant
  2. Saw that, I presume that’s also means they sold bugger all tickets aswell then really?
  3. So went with my original choice which was Cor absolutely superb, good atmosphere (great little playlist sounding in the background) food was absolutely spot on , 100% be back there
  4. I’m really torn between whether to go to Casa this Friday night or Cor in bedminster if anyone can help!
  5. It may well be, but England have done all they can to make it as exciting as possible, win or lose I don’t think you can knock that, as usually it would have been a ‘bore draw’ and I doubt it will be that now
  6. I know someone that did their other menu (radius is it?) the other week and he said it was unreal, and he was very apprehensive as is more then happy just having the normal pasture experience really has been a superb go to place in Bristol
  7. Anyone actually parting with the cash to watch this tonight? will be radio for me if im still awake!
  8. I’m looking forward to seeing it on the highlights, too see if it really was as good as it looked from my seat
  9. Would be surprised if you get in anywhere even half decent this late in the day… however saying that I usually have something booked and haven’t even bothered this year as just not quite there yet (in terms of excitement/even caring) so you may get lucky!!
  10. Not sure if been mentioned but see Casamia is back with the name Casa an experiment that clearly went wrong with the old casamia, sure the new place will be superb
  11. Fair play I have no idea how you’ve come to that conclusion from me asking if other clubs debate it aswell
  12. I get that, about 90% of clubs away fans stand at away games now from what I see on tv, I wonder if they have the same debates on there forums ?
  13. ‘Hassle’ what standing up at an away match?
  14. That’s some price increase they’ve just announced (granted the price before was actually really good value in my opinion)
  15. I always remember after the Tunisia game in Marseille in 98, walking through a subway, police either side and England fans whistling the great escape, a real memory especially ironic after the carnage that had occurred before the game
  16. Swansea always get favourable kick off times over here, it’s us who get shafted for the return game
  17. Whilst I completely agree with the ‘boycott’ and low crowds I think we all know plymouth would have taken a lot more to the gas
  18. Been listening to talksport all day, please make it stop!
  19. I think a lot of people including myself are now eating humble pie on that one however it’s worth noting, under Johnson, generally that was all he did
  20. Best city I’ve ever been too, enjoy
  21. Red hats all round for the Sunderland game!
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