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Roger Red Hat

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Everything posted by Roger Red Hat

  1. Indeed, just like football forums, Ralph.
  2. I don't know about anyone else, but I keep pressing where it says 'press' but nothing seems to happen. Maybe the bloke next door's TV keeps going on and off.....
  3. https://www.theguardian.com/football/ng-interactive/2021/nov/09/david-squires-on-the-premier-leagues-mechanical-pencil-of-damocles
  4. I don't think a lot would. You only need to have read this forum for a short while to see that. The only thing that would get the whole fan base on board is a season like the last promotion season.
  5. I think you're right, and I thought Richard was a bit on the evasive side!
  6. Previously undiscovered short story manuscript, 'A Tale of One City'.
  7. Agreed. He'll be out of work again in a couple of months. I think that Claudio's best days may be behind him.
  8. just to cheer everyone up. I don't think it was posted about BCFC!
  9. Don't bother with Gregor, wait for an announcement from RoydeAlien.
  10. Done it many times, but then I discovered a parallel route to the south that came out at the foot of the Westway. No good after the zone was introduced tho'.
  11. I used to work in London a lot, and that route was a crawl long before the congestion zone was ever thought of!
  12. Basically, in the long term, there is going to have to be less cars, whether they be petrol, diesel OR electric. The process of manufacturing them is polluting, along with components like the tyres, and the building of more roads.
  13. Indeed. It's like a written version of a John Turner phone in.
  14. If you're referring to Marvin, he's not running for a third term.
  15. Yes I was impressed when I read it the yesterday.
  16. Yes, that's the exact criteria the coaches/medical staff should be working to..............
  17. Its up to Kasey. There's only 10 outfield positions and Kasey doesn't deserve to have one of them over players that want it more.
  18. Spot on. I think Palmer really likes the idea of being a pro footballer, but cannot apply himself consistently to actually BE one. Its interesting that before we actually signed him permanently we had to wait for Lampard to have a look at him and decide if he wanted him at Chelsea along with other young players. He didn't and we got him.
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