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Eddie Hitler

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Everything posted by Eddie Hitler

  1. Now that is genius; and possibly the greatest single invention of the 21st century to date. I would happily pay £4.50 for that pint. Edit: back on topic, at home playing Everton is surely the plum draw.
  2. Darren Barnard, £175k from Chelsea and changed the side when he moved to left wingback; unstoppable going forward and few got past him. Plus great at taking set pieces. Our own Stuart Pearce though without the emotions. The OTIB fanzine had an article showing the season's stats broken into BD and AD, the "D" standing for Darren, and the improvement was stunning. Went to then Premier League Barnsley for £750k and soon thereafter earned a full Wales' cap.
  3. The only "in play" incidents that spring to mind are when one team knocks the ball out if an opposition player is down injured (white card) followed by the opposition throwing it back to them when play restarts (white card for the other team). Especially as such white cards don't actually have any standing it all seems rather pointless as what benefit does a hundred white cards bring if you lose 1-0? And what if one team, managed by say a jailbird with two court appearances in the last year alone, receives zero white cards all season? Would they then be made to wear jester's shirts and their fans made to watch from under tents as a penalty? It's all rather silly.
  4. Has this been mentioned as yet? At their AGM a person who wasn't there has reported that a person who shall not be named was asked to leave by a named director who isn't really a director. https://gaschat.co.uk/thread/20655/trouble-agm?page=1
  5. Maybe you could request some functionality to be put in place such that you wouldn't have to see this topic when visiting the forum. Why not ask Tom on the help forum if there was some way in which you could achieve this?
  6. Indeed. Though for obvious reasons, his many anti-City utterances, I would never want him to be manager here.
  7. Shoot me for it but I thought Darryl Clarke was excellent at Rovers and brought the best out of a team. I always liked Paul Tisdale during his twelve years at Exeter as he was so consistently good at putting together a decent team on a low budget; his record post that time is poor but he's a manager who you need to give a lot of time and the modern game rarely allows that. I would still love to see Neil Warnock given a go here and not straight into a relegation battle; this despite his age. Or Sean Dyche - another entertaining character.
  8. Fair enough. I wouldn't know the policy but a quick search shows up several examples dating back to 2013 and my local one (not in Bristol ) brought it in end of last year.
  9. On the Aldi website they have said that they bring it in when there is a problem with parking, either a small car park or people using it to park and go elsewhere. I don't know those stores but if they have big car parks which are never close to being full then they probably won't bring it in.
  10. Ah, it's news to me that Lidl also does this in some stores. Thanks.
  11. It's fairly widespread now as I found when I searched for information about it. Unless you are eagle eyed or looking for it you are unlikely to notice the change. See the parking FAQs on the link below, "I used the terminal in store". I won't mention where I encountered it as it may lull you into a false sense of security if it's not your local store; there are multiple stores where you have to enter your registration into a terminal and if your local one changes then they won't be making a point of informing you of the change. https://www.aldi.co.uk/customer-services/stores
  12. Though not of assistance to the OP I thought I would flag that Aldi has a formal association with the "Parking Eye" group. Aldi generally used to be 90 minutes, but were typically dropped to sixty minutes without the change being flagged. I fell foul of this one time to the tune of £40. The sign clearly said one hour but looked identical to the previous 90 minutes sign so I hadn't noticed the change. Which was exactly the idea. The change to Parking Eye, and it has happened at different times around the country and is still happening, is similarly unheralded. Again the signs are small print and look like the previous ones. Whilst it is still allowing an hour you have to enter your registration in the store or face a £70 fine, I only picked up on this the first time because I overheard a conversation about it whilst in there. It's very sneaky. There is no sign in store to alert you to the change and the small black terminals near the exit are very easy to miss. And how easy would it be to put a big brightly coloured sign up by the terminals to tell you to enter your registration? Very easy indeed. And therefore very telling that they haven't. Less Aldi customers and more victims of legalised muggings.
  13. Yes, it's not a video game. When a tank blows up three or four families have just lost a son, and most likely a conscripted son. As has been said after losing a war the next worse thing is winning a war. When I was growing up my older relatives had fought in the war; none of them talked about it. Not one.
  14. Elton John's "Song for Guy". Two minutes of tuneful humming followed by "Cam, Cam-e-ron Pring. Oh oh Cam, Cam-e-ron Pring" followed by another minute of tuneful humming. For our younger listeners:
  15. He took the club when nobody else would come forward, put his own limited funds in to bring them a half decent decade when they could have sunk to the depths of Sunderland. I would hope that people would respect that. Noel Gallagher said in the late nineties that he wouldn't put money into Man City because first they love you and then they hate you. Well that's what's happened at Everton.
  16. Poor old Bill Kenwright after all he's done for Everton over the years. People have very short memories.
  17. Really? I'm not personally unhappy and would still vote "Pearson in" but there are many reasons for being unhappy with the way the club has been and is being run and people are entitled to express their displeasure. That the Lansdown family has covered the losses and regularly writes off the debt to themselves by converting it equity is laudable but that doesn't make the question of where, and to what reward, all of that money has been spent go away. The new infrastructure is great but the return in terms of the performance on the pitch, compared to the many tens of millions expended, subsequent to the Cotts' promotion season is very questionable indeed.
  18. What action do you think that people who are unhappy with the way the club is being run should take? Stop going or hold a peaceful protest? I'd have thought that the club owners might prefer the latter.
  19. Do you have to wash your sheet before doing this or can you take it straight off the bed?
  20. I won't be able to sleep now.
  21. Reading that made me wonder what happened to MyFootballClub. They bought a stake in Ebsbfleet in 2008 and sold it five years later after significant decline in membership; I'd say moderately successful given that people were paying an annual fee rather than a big payment up front which would have meant losing their money even though it's over now. There are multiple examples of similar ventures at the foot of the page; usually associated with buying and running a particular club whereas MyFootballClub was formed with teh intention of then finding one. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MyFootballClub
  22. Vanished without trace, never leave. n 12 December 2021, Ayling joined a select group of just 70 players[60] that have made over 200 appearances for the club, including current teammates Stuart Dallas, Liam Cooper & Kalvin Phillips. On March 18, 2022, Ayling netted a 90+1 winner against Wolverhampton Wanderers in a thrilling comeback for Leeds United. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luke_Ayling
  23. Very good. At 20:20 for anyone wishing to skip ahead.
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