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Everything posted by Lewisdabaron

  1. Ive always felt we should blast out the theme from Only fools & horses “stick a pony in your pocket, fetch the suitcase from the van….etc” & at the end, go mad to the “na na na naaa na”
  2. The exact reason some people sell unofficial City merchandise. Often better value, always in stick & they know what the fans want. I once saw a hotair balloon pin badge with scrumpy Robin on it! Im sure they went in the sales & still never sold.
  3. Hi Robboblue, I’m sure you were creaming in your pants at the results today. Sad ****
  4. I take it you”ll be up the Mem next season? I will ####ing the Rov**rs forever.
  5. I remember when football used to be called a “man’s game” ?
  6. Ive got one & i know the lad who makes them into bucket hats.
  7. Having met him a few times, he sure comes across as an arrogant ****.
  8. What a small-minded & bigotted comment. Shameful.
  9. Just play the game as usual. You can do all you like to support the cause away from football. I go to watch to escape the world’s problems. (cue the online abuse & confused emjois as usual)
  10. Coming from a commie profile pic ???
  11. Little 5h1ts. Keep off the pitch or face a ban, its a criminal offence isnt it? Just because they are kids why do they get a free pass to do this? Its an offence. Simple as that.
  12. Absolutely. Happy to meet up & arrange something ?
  13. Not a clue. I dont know any, but maybe they could work together with the chap from the Guardian mob? They like to call out Slavery.
  14. Ok point taken. I am expecting mass demos, social media campaigns, marches on the streets etc. from you & the left / UAF / Antifa to boycott the WC then….
  15. Shocking these countries get away with stuff like this. But call them out about it & you’re called a racist by the usual mob.
  16. We haven’t, we will sell him.
  17. We should sing this, i presume most know the words…
  18. Sounds like they also did some toilet trashing at Swindon at the weekend…
  19. *newsflash* open forums are all about opinions…
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