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Everything posted by Lewisdabaron

  1. This is the owner of the flag… https://www.standard.co.uk/news/world/british-football-fan-stabbed-in-bratislava-after-england-world-cup-qualifier-a3337606.html yeah yeah yeah but he’s “sound” & a memeber of their “gas hit squad” too though.
  2. Remember the last tent they “built” it had to be held up by 2 blokes holding ropes.
  3. Isn’t the name “Red skin” now banned in NFL for it being classed as racist?
  4. Press the “reader view” option & the pop ups arent shown
  5. Correct. He does, however, live in BS3 & is a (adopted) City fan.
  6. Isnt their plan to build a stand as big as the Atyeo?
  7. I would like to hear the only fools & horses theme belted out from the stands.
  8. Well what do you expext when you post carp like George Cloony, Brad Pitt & Jonny Depp are taking us over. ???
  9. Im sure a few lads were over last weekend for their 3-2 win.
  10. Not this year. Something is being planned in Bristol though.
  11. Exactly, hence my original comment of the type of person who needs to replace Jeff. ps- Thats a tad harsh on God!
  12. Errrm, nothing wrong with me striving for equality. Obviously something youre not onboard with yet. Such a shame. Educate yourself maybe.
  13. Whats my agenda? Please elaborate? Cheers.
  14. Seems like my post has weeded out some racists on here…. Please keep up.
  15. The only option is a transgender, muslim, antifa, vegan, who welcomes refugees & is an animal rights activist. The knowledge of the game is irrelevant. It is 2023 after all. No room for any nazi gammons.
  16. He is white straight & British. Not very inclusive in 2023. It is time for a change.
  17. Just bring back the 5/10% club shop discount for season ticket holders. Honestly, its as simple as that! Or theres loads of other options these days to purchase unofficial club merch- 3 Lions pub / Section82 / chinese shirts off ebay etc
  18. Did the buffon announce Andy Cornick as a sub yesterday? Please get this chap replaced for next season.
  19. I quite like the Robin the S82 have designed
  20. Just what the people of Bristol want their taxs spent on. The ego on a MP…
  21. Antifa don’t seem to have an issue with ships on their badge.
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