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Everything posted by Henry

  1. Cisse - the international scout during a period where we haven’t signed an international player. Now coaching the first time. Fabulous
  2. It was tongue in cheek, as someone asked how to stop people talking over each other.
  3. The constant slating of set pieces is quite odd. Even during this odd questioning the positioning of Pat Mountain who trains the set pieces. We’ve scored 7 set piece goals this season. 3rd best in the league.
  4. its certainly a change in voice. Hopefully they can liven themselves up a bit.
  5. It’s probably the most independent and structured podcast. You’re not gonna get a lot of banter, but it does follow a steady format. Having Lez/dog etc etc on there does them no favour. I was quite surprised to see what he looked like, not the image I had!
  6. I’d love it, love it, if the mods/admin would reveal some of the names!
  7. Jon Lansdown - Needs to smarten up. Looked a tramp who just woke up compared to Manning in the photos. If you ignore he can’t speak to a live audience (which is a big ask) he looked far more comfortable than when announcing Holden. It does seem there is a plan. However that plan has including bare faced lies and deception. There is room in the budget, just not for Nige. He has backtracked on promotion talk. He said if we don’t get promotion, then the coach doesn’t go (along those lines), but that’s the stick they used to sack Nige. Liam Manning - He is a tough listen. It might warm up but I won’t be rushing to watch the Thursday press conferences for now. Any comparisons to LJ is bizarre. This guy has clearly put in the hard yards to get a Championship job, unlike LJ. He seems far more assured of his methods. I am always abit suspicious when young managers move up too quickly without finishing jobs, eg Russell Martin/Michael Beale. Be under no illusions, if he is offered a job by a team with parachute payments, he’ll be gone. We will see if it works. Good luck to him.
  8. The next club who appoint Nige, Fleming and Rennie are gonna be a lucky club.
  9. Shit. I thought I’d finally pinned something on that family!
  10. Imagine your chairman using abbreviating another team to City.
  11. Tbf he’s been locked in there for two days according to @phantom
  12. I wouldn’t be against James signing a one year deal with a to get replacement being bought it to share the load/take over. James plays ever game when fit which can’t be helpful in keeping him fit. With Williams probably going, we need to learn lessons from when we tried to replace Pack and Smith in the last few days of a window at once! That ultimately cost LJ his job IMO.
  13. If you’re to believe @phantom, Manning came down yesterday. Instead of meeting at the ground or training ground, they took me out for a Sunday lunch on the centre. Luckily, no City fans were dining. City then booked out their own suite to do the media today, they kindly let some fans know. He quickly popped back to Oxford to take training though.
  14. Still definitely happening today? Did Liam enjoy his Sunday roast?
  15. I can’t see it being today. Something would be out by now. A lot of the ITKs have gone quiet. Maybe we’ll get the old fashioned ‘the press have been called in’ rumour we used to get.
  16. Sounds very similar to Nigel Pearson.
  17. A couple of ‘ITKs’ dropped it in and haven’t really gave any details. Theres a lot of people saying what isn’t happening, truth is, I don’t think anyone really knows. I think it’s unlikely it will be tomorrow.
  18. Really boring isn’t it
  19. Shades of when we beat Rotherham at home when they had 9 men. Looked like a poor league 1 game. But yeah, you’re right Lansdown, definitely a squad that will get you promoted.
  20. Nige said Tanner and Vyner was close. I don’t think he ever have a timeframe for James. It’s no real shock
  21. That car is literally there every week.
  22. Absolutely. I know Ian Gay gets some stick but he’s not the problem on that pod.
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