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Everything posted by Henry

  1. If I ever have a baby boy I’m calling it Tommy Conway baby. If I ever have a baby girl, I’m calling it Tommy Conway baby.
  2. I’ve always said Bell is great when he was more time on the ball.
  3. Sam Bell is just not very good when he has to think what to do with the ball.
  4. Makes the question even more daft then!
  5. I thought it was a decent assist, more so for composure, rather technical ability. Look at the defending. It’s awful and the LB had disappeared. It was a fairly easy pass to make. Hes very valuable to us but he certainly isn’t a playmaker.
  6. Agree with a lot of that, really like him. But passing ability and vision? Not seen enough of that yet and that’s what our midfield is missing. Id have love to have sign a midfield three of Knight, Scott and James.
  7. I think the question from Ian Gay was ‘ would you rather stay in the Championship for 5 season or have a go at promotion?’ Err, I’ll have a go at at Promotion if that’s okay, Ian.
  8. Yep. Similar to Russell Martin. Im always suspicious of young managers who start leaving clubs early in their career. Sign they start to believe their own hype and don’t have the confidence to see through a project.
  9. Well that isn’t true as he signed a 3 year deal. Maybe you’re thinking of Sean O’Driscoll?
  10. I thought with most lottery/competitions, employees aren’t allowed to take part, if it is open to the public. Any confirm?
  11. I’ve had far less issues when I’ve paid for a domestic game, wouldn’t say perfect. but if you’re watching ‘abroad’ via a VPN, it’s never gonna be great.
  12. I don’t think you can complain about a service that you’re watching illegally ? All good on IPTV
  13. Great stuff. Who was the guest speaker?
  14. He looks promising but….really needs to cut these silly fouls out. I love he has an edge but he’ll need to learn to play a full game and not be sent off.
  15. If you read the original statement, listen to Nige and think it’s the same message…fair enough.
  16. There’s a big difference between saying PA resigned to NP saying that the club decided to move him on for a restructure. Shambles as ever
  17. interesting that Nigel’s comment contradicted the clubs statement on Sunday.
  18. That was more Marks Ashton’s style!
  19. I heard he was permanently (or predominantly?) in Bermuda. He’s certainly seen less at games than his father.
  20. Monday morning - who’s in charge of the day to day running of the club? Jon Lansdown? He was at the game yesterday however I thought he’d be flying back home? (Also, he wouldn’t know how to run a bath) Gavin Marshall? The bean counter who currently makes up 50% of our board. Brian Tinnion? Totally out of his remit and knowledge base. @phantom @thatcham red will you be reaching out to the club for clarity?
  21. Bit odd to not mention anything about a replacement or what the recruitment process will be.
  22. Surely that would be something to do with misconduct? It’s hard to just sack someone to force them up with good reason. Maybe Lansdown was annoyed Phil made the point, several times, that he was the one negotiating with Bournemouth.
  23. I’d have a lot of respect for him if that’s his reasons. You don’t stay to tow the party line if you fundamentally disagree with it.
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