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Everything posted by Henry

  1. Can you ask if anyone from the board are going to speak to the fans? Either via media interviews or fans forum. I’d like to hear about the shambles with the new kits, the new badge and why they are screwing up our manager with playing budgets.
  2. I know he’s a bit marmite but Simon Jordan slags him off quite a bit in his book. Paints him as bit of a self serving chancer. I can’t think why that would appeal to Lansdown…
  3. I’m getting sick of that question and it’s only been a few hours! That £1m is more likely going to go to paying off Pearson and the coaches. I’m getting sick of that question and it’s only been a few hours! That £1m is more likely going to go to paying off Pearson and the coaches.
  4. If bringing in 25m doesn’t give Pearson money for players, I don’t think 1m does!
  5. I’d be absolutely amazed if he lasts the season. Either he’ll walk or Lansdown will get rid of him at the first sign of trouble. Im starting to wonder why I should care about this season when the Lansdown family clearly don’t.
  6. Henry


    I think this just proves what over complicated crap it is. Joe Williams shot was a far easier one to score than Knight.
  7. I think rose tinted glasses works both way with Lee. He’s been sacked by a Championship, League 1 and a SPL team now. On what planet, does he get a job as a Prem no2 or abroad. His career is going one way and he’ll be lucky to get a job in League 1 now.
  8. The lineman has just put his flag up and ruled Wells’ goal as offside. 1-0 still
  9. @FA please check Joe Williams betting history.
  10. Knight looking a lot better playing a bit deeper. He’s not a no10.
  11. ******* Williams. Spots the danger, busts a gut to get back in then decides to give the bloke 10 yards.
  12. Sack Pearson, appoint Euell. Better still, Andy King player/manager.
  13. I’d rather wait for a nicely designed kit, well made and actually displaying our clubs official badge!
  14. Does he still see himself as a young coach still learning?
  15. The article is quite confusing. It starts of about being cover for RB but then says in been playing in midfield.
  16. @Kid in the Riot has been any more interest in buying or investing in the club? Is it a case of Lansdown asking too much or still wanting control?
  17. Interesting they haven’t sacked him or released him a free.
  18. I don’t feel the need to block @headhunter. I don’t find his posts offensive or irritating. I’m fine, thank you. I’m not pushing content out on social media. If you do it to get better figures then you have to be prepared to take feedback/criticism.
  19. You’ve used a personal insult then want me to help you? Can I suggest that you don’t put yourself out online if you’re that sensitive?
  20. Out of interest - as the club don’t seem to be using yours and @Harry’s group, are you still scouting/data gathering? If so, are you now feeding that to other clubs? Seems such the waste for the club not to use that knowledge from fans. The new CEO has been in place for over 6 months and I’m not sure I’d know him if I bumped into him in the street.
  21. I’ve given you more detailed feedback before and you didn’t appreciate it. I won’t go through it again.
  22. Last 7 seasons in league 1. That’s where Bell will spend a lot of his career.Im not knocking it. At the end at their careers, neither them will have been a Championship striker.
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