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Everything posted by Henry

  1. There’s people are this forum who are saying they wouldn’t take Ten Hag as manager. I don’t think we really know best. I would suggest because Nige is so popular, this will be the most divisive appointment for a long time.
  2. You’re not saying because you’re worried about @Fordy62’s health, right?
  3. Yeah but he had the luxury of having a talented academy and bringing in good players like Rob Dickie.
  4. You do realise you don’t automatically stay in the same position just because you finished there the year before?
  5. Getting a top 4 spot and to a play off final is an achievement, whether you like it or not. No, it’s not winning a World Cup or Champions league.
  6. It’s fine. He said ITV, not BBC
  7. Well that’s clearly a far better source than Shags and Kid.
  8. I’m not sure just posting up City clips makes you analyst..
  9. @phantom confirmed a few days ago there were BS employees signing up using emails that included their own full name.
  10. I imagine it was about 30mins of Jon crying and Steve slapping him telling to man up and do what daddy tells you to do.
  11. Two minute video of North Korea TV. Keep ******* off Lansdown.
  12. I agree. Just there was no need to reply to a fan like that. He’s got into bed with the Lansdown so he needs to deal with the fall out now.
  13. That’s fine. They can have Holden as long as they leave Cotts alone. Cotts might have actually got them going.
  14. Arrogant smug ****. Basically just doesn’t want to.
  15. Anyone seen Brian Tinnion’s Bollocks?
  16. The same amount it would do, or less? I don’t expect the Lansdown to suddenly change tact because of the trust. My point is, the statement, however good, why not and not before?
  17. You’ve come out with a statement/open letter today. This could have been done months ago about the way the club is being ‘ran’.
  18. Talk about jumping on bandwagon and after the horse has bolted etc. You could have been more challenging months ago when it was clear was happening and there was zero comms from the club.
  19. Cowards. Trying to use the man’s health against him to get him to resign. Id actually would have had more respect for them if they came out at the end of last season and said they want to go in a different direction.
  20. Fair play @Ron W to go from being an annoying child on here to writing brilliant stuff for the nationals. Thanks for highlighting the mess to the masses.
  21. I did email his agent last night and got a nice email back saying he’d pass my views onto Nigel. Im sure he’ll appreciate any well wishes from here or social media.
  22. Just because someone has a strong view and they’re upset/angry, doesn’t mean they are irrational
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