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Everything posted by bcfcredandwhite

  1. The Preston North End stadium in Deepdale is the oldest continuously running football club in the world. That’s strange. I thought that the oldest football club in the world was Notts County and the oldest football ground still in use as a football ground today is Bramall Lane (Sheffield United’s ground)???
  2. It'll be interesting how this works - He will have to come back home after 3 months due to the post-Brexit 90 day rule......
  3. I loved JET and the best of luck to him. Can’t say I’d bother watching an Aberdeen game just to see him, but hey ho - loved the guy and wish him well.
  4. That's strange - I thought that STFC had actually BOUGHT the County Ground. Obviously not....
  5. BBC - Wiltshire - History - The NHS: Born in Swindon Take it up with these guys if you disagree..........
  6. ... and I'm not FROM Swindon - I've just lived here for 24 years!! I'm from Dundry actually - then Bishopsworth when I got married - then Swindon for work.
  7. see my reply to Red Robbo above. The blueprint came from Swindon and is recognised by historians
  8. Surely you don’t hate me - I’m a City fan
  9. Here you go: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-wiltshire-44506181.amp
  10. I used to enjoy a drink or two with Andy Partridge before Covid, up at our local Spanish Tapas bar here in Old town - he was a regular in there - as I was too! Other musical artists from Swindon include Gilbert O'Sullivan and Justin Hayward (Moody Blues). I think I read somewhere that Supertramp also have a Swindon connection, but I may be wrong.... - Nick Hewer (Countdown) is from here. - The Lord Chancellor is our local MP (not proud of that one!) - The Supermarine Spitfire was built here - The NHS - Swindon was the birthplace of that rather critical service - Mondex - sadly way ahead of it's time - but today we pay for almost everything electronically. - The UK Space Agency HQ is here Yes, but apart from all that what did the Romans ever do for us...............? ?
  11. It was indeed a fantastic achievement - and the FA had to rush through some emergency rules to prevent you lot from playing in Europe to allow Arsenal to play instead. The Italians thought that was unfair and launched the Anglo-Italian cup as a result - which the Italians took seriously but the English didn’t. If I remember correctly, in one game Swindon were beating Napoli 3-0 and the game had to be abandoned because the Italians rioted and destroyed their own stadium…?!!!
  12. Their club is being ruined by a shit owner who doesn't seem to give a flying **** about the club or the fans. It makes me doubly grateful that we have a decent owner in charge of us at BS3.
  13. LJ is doing well with Sunderland and I'm pleased for him. He tried his best for us and gave everything he had. It was right that he went when he did and I wouldn't swop him for Nigel, but he did deliver us 4 years of top-half championship football and an amazing cup run during his tenure, for which I thank him.
  14. He was probably the scumbag that puked all over me whilst I was having a little doze on a bench opposite the Flying Fox after a stag night back in 1999. disgusting. I woke from my innocent post 10-pint nap to find diced carrots and other forms of stinking slurry over my nice jacket and shirt. Mrs R&W and I cursed him for the rest of the weekend.
  15. We need WW2 style rationing NOW hopefully, unlike in the 1940s, it will only need to be in place for 3-6 months.
  16. Sorry - I meant challenge in a positive way. I made a statement and it’s right and proper to back it up ? it DOES say that it’s rare to catch it twice - but it can happen.
  17. Tbh I read it some time ago but in reaction to your challenge I found this via google: https://www.express.co.uk/life-style/health/1256023/coronavirus-repeat-infection-can-you-get-coronavirus-twice-covid-19
  18. It’s affecting football because it’s stopped it. I can’t see any football matches taking place until 2021 to be honest. Apparently this virus can be caught again, so as long as there is someone on the planet with it, it will just cycle around and around until the boffins find a cure.
  19. Er - there isn’t any football happening at the moment - or for the foreseeable future. Might as well shut the entire forum ?
  20. Just seen BJs latest ‘advice’ that people shouldn’t travel unless ‘absolutely necessary’ I can see all the families cancelling their £5k holidays now, at their own expense ...... NOT. He needs to make it LAW or people will stay travelling - and I can understand why when it’s one of the most expensive and anticipated purchases a family has every year.
  21. I must admit that when I saw Boris’s press conference my first thought was for the poor pub and restaurant owners and the low paid workers on zero hours contracts that depend on them. The government has told us to stay away from them but not told them to close. this is an unprecedented situation and this is exactly what governments are employed to deal with. All non-essential businesses should close but with guarantee of income that enables them to survive. Yes it will cost £billions but not as much as having no economy and millions of jobless and homeless when this thing finally blows over. It’s not normal for a Tory government to subsidise businesses, but what is happening isn’t normal either and if we want our economy to recover we need those businesses to be able to pick up from where they left off.
  22. My disappointment of missing out on the playoffs would be wiped out by the enjoyment of watching all the local ‘plastic’ Liverpool fans crying into their beer ?
  23. WTF is with this bog roll bulk buying? here in Swindle the shelves are empty. I’m lucky enough to have a Booker account so I went there today - they had a bloke guarding the bog roll section ensuring that business owners were restricted to buying only 2 cases each. There really isn’t any need for this - the bog roll factories are still operational. If the stadiums can’t source any bog rolls then they would have to close I assume.
  24. If they ban gatherings of more than 5000 people in one place then that’s us finished. Rovers could continue though - and finally claim with some truth to be the biggest team in Bristol - at last!!!!
  25. I haven’t read all of this thread so please forgive me if I repeat stuff that’s already been posted. my eldest daughter is in China (Shenzhen to be precise). She tells me that the Chinese government has instructed all factories and schools to close and to still pay their workers - and the government will reimburse the cost. I’m 53 years old and I honestly can’t remember hype of this scale - SARS, various flu epidemics - never on the scale of this. something has spooked the authorities and yet they are telling us to carry on as normal? I’m lucky enough to have a wholesaler card so I’m stocking up this weekend. It’s not a panic - I will use the stuff anyway over time - just a precaution.
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