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Everything posted by Harry

  1. Yeah. That wasn’t particularly inspiring was it!
  2. I’ll tell you where I am. Today was the worst performance under Manning so far. I am someone who originally said on here that I didn’t think Manning’s style would suit our players. However, once he was appointed I was happy to see what he could do. I felt in the early games I did see some signs of progress. He did actually manage to get our players to start to keep the ball much better. Ok, a lot of it was quite slow possession, but that’s where the ‘fit’ comes in. Our players and his style do not fit. So whilst they showed some signs of being able to keep the ball a bit better, it was never consistent enough nor anywhere near quick or slick enough. But the early signs were one of “ok, he can at least get them to pass it to each other which I didn’t think was possible”. The other slight positives I saw in some of the early games was the ability for us to run in behind full backs, and into channels, where ‘sometimes’ someone had the ounce of ability to find the right pass. I felt a little positive on some of those early games that he was a) managing to get us to keep the ball better and b) managing to get some decent movement up front. But…… and it’s a big BUT. It’s REALLY REALLY tailed off. To the point where I am now majorly concerned. Those early signs were enough for me to say “ok, let’s give him a bit of time and see what he can do”. But the last 2 months have been pretty dreadful. The only game where I felt really positive was after Watford away. I thought in that game we had found a formula. We were good both on the ball and off of it and we looked really well organised. Ever since then I haven’t seen any positives. And things have been sliding backwards quite badly. To the opening poster - whilst I can understand your points to a certain extent, I actually think the writing is on the wall now and I can’t personally put any faith in Manning any more. There are a few things to note : 1) We spent 2.5 years signing players who were ‘runners’ ‘counter attackers’ ‘workers’. We then approach and poach a manager (who didn’t apply for the role) who clearly has a CV which displays a totally different philosophy. Why?? 2) We have a good stadium and a good base to build from but we continually employ people who are not ‘best in class’. I am still highly critical of our recruitment set up. Even more so now - if we are targeting a manager with a clear body of work that doesn’t align in any way possible with the players we’ve spent 3 years signing. If Mannings head has to roll then so does Tinnion’s head and Gilhespy’s head 3) Prior to this week I was still sitting in the camp that says “ok, let’s give him time” but the recent trend has been very much downward and today for me was a low. Very very poor in all aspects both on the pitch and tactically. The press conference on Thursday was very telling for me. Manning openly admitted that this squad were not capable of playing his way. Mainly, that is a huge fault of Tinnion. But for me Manning shouldn’t have said this and shouldn’t be looking to adapt. He really should stick to his principals. I don’t think he should adapt to this group. He should double down on his beliefs. After all; that was why we poached him! That for me showed a weak mentality. I’d prefer him to stick to his guns, but he wilted in front of my eyes. And then with a performance like today, that was now the final straw for me.
  3. No. The loss of possession that ended up allowing their full back to run inside which ended up causing Zak a problem
  4. Have to question what TGH was doing to gift them possession to then win the corner
  5. Ha ha. You’ve outed yourself young William No doubt some of your haters will ask what the ‘C’ stands for!!??
  6. If you watch it you’ll understand the context. I think you’re being a tad facetious again Mr Dante. Yes, those were the words which were said but it was in the context of ‘we’ve been crap for 2 games but before that we’d come off the back of positive performances vs Southampton as well as Forest twice.’ 20 games wasn’t a ‘scientific’ stat he’s studied and concluded. It was just a throwaway comment that whilst he acknowledges the last 2 have been bad, it’s not been all bad over the last couple of months. You know as well as I do that he doesn’t actually specifically mean he’s happy with 19 out of the last 20 performances.
  7. Yep. I got the sense he didn’t really want to say exactly that but it came out. As Fevs said; and I agree, we’ve not really been trying to play Manning’s desired way for a few weeks. So there has clearly already been an element of adaptation. If we look at the first few games, he clearly came in and tried to get us to play with much more possession. Sometimes this was good but sometimes it was slow. Too slow. But you could see that we were trying to keep the ball much more. Problem is that these players aren’t capable of doing that consistently enough, and definitely not quick enough when under pressure. By quick enough, this is in speed of thought and decision making as well as speed of execution. I think LM has realised this and we have kind of reverted to type, ie our old ‘counter attacking’ manners. Fevs’ stats will back up that we are good at pressing and winning the ball back high up the pitch and creating chances off of that. So we’re kinda back to our old ways of being a threat when we haven’t got the ball. Which is totally counter to what LM ideally wants. He’s no doubt realised that some of our players don’t quite have that ability to execute exactly what he wants. This means he will (and I think to an extent already has) have to adapt. He’ll have to sacrifice his own ideologies until he can recruit (and he alludes to this in the interview today too). When he says ‘the processes don’t change’, that doesn’t mean he isn’t adapting/altering tactically. Just means they’ll keep doing the same things on the training pitch and in the meeting room (which revolves around instilling behaviours, empowerment, decision making, overcoming barriers etc). That’s the ‘processes’ that won’t change. The actual tactics have already changed and I think he knows that he is working with a limited group in terms of trying to get what he desires. He’s having to meet them halfway a little bit I think. Allow them to revert to type and play to their strengths. As has been mentioned a few times lately, I did say prior to his arrival that his style of play would not suit our squad. And I think he now realises that. What you have to be critical of is the process by which he was appointed here. It’s very very evident from his CV exactly what type of football he wants to play. It was also very very evident what type of football our squad are best at. And never the twain shall meet. These 2 things are at total odds. So it calls into question why Tinnion targeted Manning. BT “Hi it’s Brian. We think you’re a great young up and coming coach and we think you’re the right fit for us to take us up” LM “Great, happy to come on board” BT “here’s our squad. We play 4 at the back and really suit a counter attacking philosophy” LM “well, I prefer to play with a 3 and like to dominate possession and enjoy wing backs, 2 dynamic midfielders and a creative number 10” BT “sorry. We haven’t got that. But you’re a good coach aren’t you, sort it out” LM “why did you approach me then? You know my ideals and you know this squad doesn’t suit” BT “We have a plan. We’re all aligned. We’re a top end squad. We’ve got great chance of success. get on with it, I know what I’m doing”
  8. Yeh, it’s a maybe. Actually, I won’t have this dilemma as I won’t be making it to the game due to the early kickoff. So the A&S Police and SAG unit are absolute tosspots as well as Big Dave!
  9. Ah yes! I forgot to add Wembley to my list. Good shout
  10. Unconnected but slightly tenuous. At FGR on Tuesday there was a ‘neutral’ stood right next to me, but he was clearly there to support Wrexham. I made sure I cheered and shouted extra loud right next him when FGR scored. I know it was only FGR but I didn’t see the need for him to keep saying ‘go on’ or ‘well done’ whenever Wrexham did something. Had that been at AG I genuinely think he’d have had someone confront him. Anyway - back to Big Dave from Knowle. Even though he was generally a clump of a player.
  11. Marlon is one of the best players who’ve played for us in the last 25 years. And he didn’t give up for half a year, have a first touch into next week and then join a rival.
  12. For me, old grounds visited are : Brighton, West Ham, Brentford, Leicester, Sunderland, Middlesbrough, Cardiff, Swansea, Millwall, Stoke, Rotherham, Derby, Bolton, Oxford, Gas, Wigan, Shrewsbury, Reading, Walsall, Colchester, Chesterfield, York. Technically could claim Charlton & Wimbledon too as went to their old grounds when they each didn’t have one. So, 22 + 2.
  13. Sod him. He wasn’t very good when he was here. He only achieved cult status because someone made up a song rhyming Knowle with Senegal. He now plays for those shits over the border. **** him. Why would I cheer him?
  14. We’d need Tins the jizmopper again …..
  15. So I assume going to Weston wouldn’t have had a mental impact on him, but going to Bath does?
  16. Thanks Silvio. The comments referred to prior to LM’s arrival are in the link above. Page 5 I think. As you say, I had reservations. But now he’s here I’m prepared to give him more than 3 months. But thanks for referring to my original comments on him. Some posters who accuse me of being up Liam’s backside would do well to read it again. I’m certainly not up his backside. I just want him to have a fair crack of the whip and get more than 3 months before we call for his head. Thats the only ‘defence’ of Manning that I’ve been putting up. Had that 3 months been a total disaster, I can fully understand. But it’s not been a total disaster. It’s had ups and downs, some good highs and some poor lows. But when we start to accuse him of ripping up the pathway and causing mental health problems for our youngsters just because a 17 year old has gone out on loan, I actually think many of our fans are losing their minds!
  17. You do know don’t you, that this obviously wouldn’t include team selection. I would call you a bird brain but you’ll accuse me of getting personal and DM me again!
  18. Oh, and please tell me where it was exactly that I said “Tinnion is in charge of team selection”? You do love to misinterpret stuff and then run with it, don’t you. I’ll explain it for you again. Why would Tinnion, who loves the academy so much and is super proud of the pathway, employ a head coach who rips it up in front of his eyes and loans out his star boy seriously effecting his mental health?
  19. So, can you confirm. I’m not on ignore any more?
  20. Yep. Defended well all game. Didn’t really allow much down the middle. Stayed compact and forced Wrexham back and wide and they had to rely upon aimless crosses for the most part. Keogh martialled the defence well. Midfield were energetic. Didn’t see a lot of the ball but they all worked hard and for the most part kept Wrexham at arms length. Osadebe took the goal well but then had to work hard off the ball for most of the game. Cotts has definitely got them playing with more organisation and more belief.
  21. Some folks say that Manning was employed because he’s a Yes man. And now they’re also saying that he’s single handedly ripping up the pathway. mmmm….?? You do know, don’t you, that Tinnion is in charge of all footballing matters. Manning didn’t phone up Bath City and say “hey, there’s this talented prospect who the previous bloke was playing for about 10 minutes a game but I don’t want him - EVER. Please take him away from me”. The decision to loan out Yeboah will have been one that was fully (and I mean FULLY) agreed and arranged by Tinnion. And the reason will be because Tinnion thinks it is the very best thing for his development right now. I’ve spoken to Tinnion about Yeboah - he absolutely bloody loves him. I don’t think he’d sit back and allow Manning to “ruin his mental state” as someone has suggested.
  22. Hopefully they heard me shout rather loudly, as Mullen was bawling for a foul that never was “cry more Mullin”. He did have a little glance over. The joys of a small ground, the players can hear your shouts
  23. I think the official term in JizMopper. I understand they are employed in places like Amsterdam at the peep shows, cleaning up the booths after the patrons have dispensed.
  24. Very disappointing tonight. Cotts must be ripping his gelled hair out! It was pretty much all Wrexham. Lots of the ball but very few clear cut chances as FGR defended brilliantly. You can see that they are far better organised since Cotts arrived. Defended superbly and then in the 93rd minute the keeper flaps at an easy cross and they get a penalty! Absolutely gutted. But positive signs since Cotts got here
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