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The Saturday Boy

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Everything posted by The Saturday Boy

  1. Greetings to the new brunette - Billy Bragg
  2. That was my first ever Billy Bragg gig, now seen him 42 times. Yup The Redskins were excellent!
  3. At my window, sad and lonely - Billy Bragg & Wilco
  4. Kick over the statues - The Redskins Amazing skinhead/ska band from the 80s. Check out their album 'Neither Washington nor Moscow but International Socialism'. In my top 10 albums of all time.
  5. Get your rocks off - Primal Scream
  6. Children of the revolution - T Rex
  7. Everything about you - Ugly Kid Joe
  8. Waltz darling - Malcolm McClaren and the Bootzilla Orchestra
  9. We put a pearl in the ground - St Vincent
  10. Larger than life - The Backstreet Boys
  11. Heavyweight champion of the world - Reverend and the makers
  12. Linger - The Cranberries RIP Dolores
  13. Art school girl - Stone Temple Pilots Bauhaus being an art school!
  14. Wolves without teeth - Of Monsters and Men
  15. From the dining table - Harry Styles i promise you I had to google that!
  16. Bring your daughter to the slaughter -Iron Maiden
  17. Maxwell's silver hammer - The Beatles
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