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Homer Simpson

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Everything posted by Homer Simpson

  1. It's understandable that you haven't gone to Gillingham to support your shambles of a club, but you'd rather be on here instead of concentrating on your own match. Yep, A1 belter.
  2. Overheard a sag in the pub last night, saying that if they could get Banksy to do his thing on their stands they could make enough to fund a new stadium. I had to put him straight. I said you're talking shite. Everybody knows that Banksy doesn't paint on Canvas.
  3. I'll keep hold of those if you don't mind.
  4. What a crap dream. In mine we where 67 nil up, then the mrs woke me up just before half time for sex. I'll ask her the final score later, she slept through the second half.
  5. Sag showing off the watch he bought from Wally.
  6. So the gap has started work and the stadium planning has started school. They really are a family club.
  7. Go on, add another hysterically funny quote to this thread. Wait for it. Right, here it comes. WHERE EXACTLY ARE YOU DREAMING OF CLAWING YOU'RE WAY BACK TO?
  8. You could challange them to a bout under Queensbury rules. But then I don't suppose they would be able to get all those fingers into a boxing glove.
  9. The difference between us is at least four digits. That's 2 fingers and 2 toes that I know of.
  10. I was their postman. Always had to knock twice.
  11. You may have won the booby prize, but I think there is some sort of Cricket related qualifier for that.
  12. Dwayne Sports have just confirmed they will be investing £350,000 in a full sized Olympic swimming pool to aid players recovery from injury. All staff are welcome to use it but must pay their own air fare to Jordan.
  13. Obviously welsh, what a great accent. Not.
  14. He's done it on purpose, the reason why? Can only think it was boredom, certainly not funny.
  15. Yes ****'em. Happy Christmas everybody, except them. ****'em.
  16. Hang on I'm on Twitter. Yeh fair point.
  17. Big anniversary coming up next year. I stand to be corrected, but I believe it will be 25 years since the Horse punching thieves were last in the second tier of English football.
  18. Is that a canvas wall behind the headboard?
  19. Anyone know the best way to stick a Season Card back together.
  20. Another celebrity fan? Is that Zac Dingle stood behind him. Part of the larger travelling community?
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