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Bob Taylor is GOD

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Posts posted by Bob Taylor is GOD

  1. 1 hour ago, RedEyez said:

    Because you can’t “just cancel” if you’re bound to a 18-24 month contract..

    And even if you aren’t , if you cancel for the summer and then resubscribe in the Autumn, you will still face the issue highlighted above at the end of the following season as you’ll be tied to another lengthy contract which you’ll be unable to “just cancel”.

    If you buy a firestick, you don’t have to worry about any of that 😉

    I cancel SKY Sports every year, at this time of year and get it back in October, after my September holiday.

    If you keep the standard SKY package you are able to remove and add Sports packages.

    • Like 1
  2. 29 minutes ago, GrahamC said:

    You love to see it.

    They’re slowly dying.

    Reckon they’ll still go ahead with their plans for their main stand this summer?

    No, me neither.

    Are they building the main stand further back and rotating pitch 90 degrees?

  3. 32 minutes ago, W-S-M Seagull said:


    I'll wait til were back in League One, because thats the way we are heading. They'll be desperate to let me and others have a SS season ticket then. 

    They have totally read the room wrong on this. 


    They won't reduce the prices though

  4. 12 hours ago, Dullmoan Tone said:

    Hate to ruin your argument but it’s almost nobody pays National Insurance for 50 years - it’s almost impossible.
    Even if you started work at 15 and retired at 65!

    It’s not paid once you retire, or when you earn small amounts after leaving school many, many years ago as you would be below the threshold!

    I have just completed enough years (42) of National Insurance contributions to get a full state pension when/if  I reach 67.

    If I continue to work, I will still pay National Insurance but it won't get me any more in my pension.

  5. 15 hours ago, italian dave said:

    What makes R****s stand out is that everyone else moves from an old ground to a new one. They just move from an old ground to someone else's old ground.

    The only club who's new ground is worse than the one they had 40 years ago!

    • Like 2
  6. 1 hour ago, Sir Geoff said:

    I bet they sit elsewhere. Not enough checks made at turnstiles for people abusing the age limits and also those sitting in other parts of the ground to their tickets imo.

    This definitely happens - Annoys me when people paying significantly less, sit behind me in the Lansdown

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