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Everything posted by Spike

  1. I'm guessing height for set pieces, they have some tall players and I'm guessing Pearson is looking to match them. Dasilva is a much better attacking player but on set pieces we'd be lacking height.
  2. Stats say Cardiff have had three shots already, we've had none? I'm glad I'm not able to watch
  3. I mean I would say I agree but lets be fair, we dominated at home and managed to give up 2 points and this game we don't seem to be in it. As it stands what is there not to cause concern?
  4. Atkinson will be gone next season, you can see he's very much a Webster quality player who will only get better and with our complete lack of quality he'll be sold to make more funds.
  5. Can't even beat a team we've dominated. Let them back in the game, can't finish chances still.
  6. Same old City, injuries. I honestly don't understand how it's still an issue.
  7. It may not be to your taste but this is what I came up with.
  8. I have designed badges for a Welsh league and multiple teams, I'm currently doing the graphics work for the business I work for but I'm always willing to help when I have time so if @ollywhytewants to ping me a message I can always have a pop at helping.
  9. He replaced almost all of those players and still lost the team he put together.
  10. The quote "you can tell the players respect him" shows me that he's not been there long enough yet for his weakness to come to light. LJ is very forward thinking and has a lot going for him but we've all seen what happens when the confidence drops. I'll be interested to see how the players react to him when they begin to struggle and he starts messing with his tactics, making obvious mistakes etc as he did with us. They're still riding that positive air that inspires good run of form, let's see how they react to a run of poor results before we talk about how great LJ is.
  11. This genuinely makes me feel sick, I hate flying, the idea of getting on a plane that looks like it's going to fall apart and then doesn't start, no way I would have got on it. What I don't understand is why he got on it, surely after making a big money transfer he would have been in a position to say "I don't feel comfortable getting on that plane!". That said, I suppose it's easy to say that with hindsight. I just can't imagine what his father must be thinking right now.
  12. Us lot? Finding this funny? Nah, never... ???????... sorry.
  13. Oh I know that, but that's my point... it's fine having dignity but when Cotts went a lot of our fans blamed him and called for his head prior, despite the fact he'd made it clear he wanted us to invest big to compete. Ultimately the board threw him under the bus, I just think DC is making it public that he's about to be thrown under the bus and whilst Cotts can walk away with his dignity DC is more interested in making sure the fans know who is to blame. OH yeah, a lot of us knew what happened, but there was also a lot who said it was all his own fault and that he made bad decisions etc when in all fairness he just stuck to his guns and said what the case was, in order to compete we needed to buy a worthy striker which isn't cheap..... oddly enough something LJ has pretty much echoed recently.
  14. I suppose the issue about doing it in private is that you end up like Cotterill, the board sack you and you end up looking like you're the one to blame. I think these days if you don't speak up you'll become the scapegoat as the board will be there regardless of if you are or not, at the very least you can make it clear to the fans that you're not being backed and then maybe the fans will know who is really to blame.
  15. I know I'm on my own when I say this but good on him, if the board aren't backing a manager I think the manager has every right to fire off some shots. Imagine going to work as a builder and being given only sand to build with and then told you're doing a shit job when you make a bloody sandcastle ?
  16. So it brought them a loss in a key game and our manager has one of the worst losing streaks in the clubs history, grass length obviously is the key to... losing ?
  17. Been saying it since January, any team that defends in numbers against us shows our weakness.... The inability to break down teams who sit deep and can actually defend. Until we learn to punish teams who do sit back on its we'll continue to be easy to read
  18. We outplayed Leeds for 60 minutes, games are 90 minutes +, Leeds actually deserved to win that game the way we played in those last 30, they pushed they reacted to their situation and they damn well came very close to taking all three points. If I was a Leeds fan I'd be just as disappointed by that result as I am as a City fan because they knew we were there for the taking.
  19. We need two quality fullbacks, Bryan should be in the midfield and Wright is not a full back at all. Hodor is still a liability and Pisano is not certain to be back permanently when he gets back from his injury. A quality side who will go into the Premiership will always have quality waiting to come into the first 11 and all positions will be competitively fought for, we just don't have that.
  20. I'm telling you now, we won;t come out of this. January was the time to strengthen, we didn't, we added but we did not strengthen at all!
  21. Simple fact is it's not just Johnson but the players who have a lot to answer for, shocking decision making and the fear.... we're playing afraid! I honestly think it's a mental issue and that's where Lee Johnson struggled last season too, he seems to struggle to instill confidence in our players when it's not there. You can see it on the pitch right now, at 2-2 we're playing to hold onto a point, not playing with confidence to get the 3. We are NOT a team capable of promotion if we can't overcome that.
  22. He's right, but Patto didn't go down, he was trying to keep the chance alive so he stayed on his feet, then we don;t get a pen because unless you go down refs just won't give anything.
  23. Whatever makes you sleep tonight but I assure you we missed those chances and it was not luck that made us draw, it was the players. You could see at 3-1 the heads went down for a lot of players and we lost all motivation at 3-2, at that point we'd practically accepted what was going to happen. That is NOT what strong-minded players do, that is the key difference between a team that will go up and a team that will not.
  24. Can't blame Kent, yes he made a few bad calls but he also created way more than almost anyone. At 3-0 up we were already out of sight, the real issue came from the lads bottling it under pressure and that's the difference between a promotion team and a team who won't go up, we're clearly the latter.
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