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Everything posted by Spike

  1. F*ucking pathetic! Crumbled completely, we will NOT go up if that's the kind of performances we put in against teams in the relegation!
  2. This is why players dive, nothing given despite a clear foul, why? Because Patterson stayed on his feet. Referees need to start giving things regardless of the player going down or not.
  3. It would help if our lads stopped hoofing the ball over the top to him and just played our game. Concentration is gone too, you can see it!
  4. F*cking joke that!! No contact at all from Bryan, a launched dive and they score from it. WAKE THE **** UP CITY!!
  5. Diony isn't impressing me, he looks like his whole game revolves around running off of the shoulder and I just don't see us creating many of those opportunities.
  6. It did come off his leg/foot but either way it would have taken some insanely quick reactions not for that to have gone into the net, was very unlucky. The one thing bothering me is Fieldings kicking atm and some of the forced passes we're making that gives away possession far too easily.
  7. Well that was about as unlucky as you can get Boys must be strong now, start pushing forward to prevent Sunderland thinking they can steal a point.
  8. I think he's raw but talented, when he just broke through he could have laid the ball off for an easy goal but took it upon himself and had his shot blocked. He is a raw talent, just needs to work on his decision making a little, nice to have a player who runs at players other than Patto though.
  9. Other than Kent he's the only player who runs at players to beat them though.
  10. To be fair how many injuries do we have, how many games have we played, it was always going to happen sooner or later. It's a bad result but for me it shows whilst we have a hard working squad we still lack real depth and that's what we need. Same thing happened with GJ in charge, we needed to bring players in during the January period, we didn't and we ultimately didn't go up, I hope LJ has different plans but based on his talk about not signing players I can see it being very difficult for this small squad to keep up it's results.
  11. Fair play I wasn't confident going into this game, line up looked questionable but a solid win, credit to the team and the manager, now for the big one on the weekend.
  12. I'm sure the team have a plan but on paper it is a concerning line-up, we'll just have to see how it plays out. Realistically we need a point what with Cardiff on the weekend, that'll be a tough game.
  13. Concerning to see a team so low in the league sitting back away from home and looking hard to break down. We should be gunning for them, only takes that one goal to break them.
  14. Are you? I never said we ARE buying him, I'm saying he's a sensible and worthy replacement for Tammy.
  15. Can't imagine he'd be cheap, guess the contract he has would also be a big factor. Still, I'd pay £15m for him if Kodjia is worth that, he looks better than Kodjia and is far more creative from what I'm seeing.
  16. Watching this Assombalonga and he looks bloody impressive. 24, big, strong, fast, takes players on, surely he'd be a great replacement for Tammy if we throw some money at Forest?
  17. I seriously can't stand the thought of ending the season on a loss, we better score! Also a crap way to send off Tammy in front of a sold out crowd! COME ON CITY!!!
  18. Looking at the stats on BBC, we've had 1 shot on target, Brum have had 7..... is the performance as bad as that looks?
  19. They'd drop to 51 points like Forest and Blackburn only with a worse goal difference.
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