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Mr Popodopolous

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Everything posted by Mr Popodopolous

  1. I did a big list on here ,but managed to lose it somehow.. Anyway looks like we via Bristol City Holdings had the highest non Parachute Income. Albeit 13 months could assist.* *Subject to Reading of course.
  2. Sunderland via their website are out, maybe for a day or 2. https://www.safc.com/news/club-news/2024/april/statement-of-accounts I thought their turnover might be a bit higher but then again I wonder of one or two clubs and their turnover are wholly organic and honest let's say. We seem to compare quite favourably to non Parachute clubs, revenue wise at least. We're top 10 in the division minimum wheb we look at Bristol City Holdings and close to top 6 if not in it..can depend in who exactly comes down and stays down and how many Parachute clubs in the division. Using 2022-23 as a base I'll list all Championship clubs last year by Revenue. Reading are yet to make theirs public for some reason. Worth remembering it was a 13 month Period for us so maybe included some events or a Concert that it wouldn't usually?
  3. Thanks Kingy, all the best for the future. Moving onto pastures new and not staying here on the coaching side?
  4. Yeah probably. At that price unless FFP is looming large for any they could and wages wouldn't be an issue. Could be a bargain for someone.
  5. Would we have him here? Obviously yes ability wise but the wouldn't move go be a No.2 and would he supersede O'Leary do we think? I wouldn't say £1m is exorbitant at all really.
  6. Agreed. I suggested on another thread that as you say it was neither a penalty nor a dive. However Steve Evans and Chris Foy have inferred it is such. I actually am of the view that our club should push back more vigorously on certain issues but the hierarchy in the main don't seem the type.
  7. Yes agreed. Sure there isn't a grand conspiracy but we have seemed inordinately unlucky. Not with injuries that is normal, but the penalty saga, retrospective bans on sketchy grounds for Wright, Diedhiou, Sykes. Sure Conway may have dived but..they seem to hone in on us more than the norm for errors that go our way but not against us Although did find Ref Watch said our penalty v Sunderland in December was correct.
  8. I can accept not winning MoTM in these circs, but to not be nominated is strange. Although Manager of the Month can be a bit of a curse so maybe for the best.
  9. Amazing that they pick out 2 incidents that benefit us in 3 weeks of review as part of their ex Ref Analysis. Should we be querying it as a Club? The offside calls at Norwich were suspect but I didn't see any analysis of that at all.
  10. Dermot Gallagher stated it wasn't a pen v Huddersfield, found it. https://www.bristolpost.co.uk/sport/football/bristol-city-penalty-huddersfield-referee-9227704
  11. Agreed, I will try and find the bit on the Huddersfield penalty, maybe I'm wrongly conflating it with the Apology Letter that Huddersfield received but I wonder if we get a fair crack by the media. Still a way to go until it evens out.
  12. I must correct myself too, I said it was January but in fact it was April obviously!
  13. It is and agree although I'm a bit sceptical as to whether they honed in on some do the outrageous calls vs us during that period.
  14. Ironically our last two penalties have been deemed incorrect by Sky Sports Ref Review of Weekend big Calls. Of all the decisions in the EFL in a given weekend we come out in 2 of 3 weeks as undeserving beneficiaries. Conway was deemed to have dived in the latter ie v Rotherham. https://www.skysports.com/football/news/11688/13126121/behind-the-whistle-former-premier-league-referee-chris-foy-explains-the-latest-efl-decisions
  15. It is quite an odd list in the context of the January League table.
  16. Ah you mean Sheffield United last season? A Parachute club too.yes their financial trajectory was set to swing into the red. They also had Cash flow and Transfer Payment issues.
  17. Bournemouth and QPR most certainly . Pre the 3 year points deduction Rule, see also Leicester albeit QPR wwre in breach of that in receipt. Sheffield United not so sure. In theory the improved present and future monitoring could prevent breaches before they occur.
  18. Nottingham Forest were one I would suggest could've been. Wolves with the Mendes stuff another. Leeds were cited but worth remembering that thete was no standalone Test to 2020 due to Covid and when you added in 2019-20 and 2020-21 and halved and the £50-55.5m for the Upper Loss limit they passed. Has they not gone up, issues. Likewise Wolves in 2018. Maybe Brighton have to retrench in 2017-18 without.
  19. Aah right, with you now. We do miss an element of luck, as well as poor ownership and backing the wrong horse at the wrong time. Near year could be a year to go for it but if we still had the NP and Gould combo I'd have a bit more faith. The ratio of Parachute Payments clubs to top 6 though in the last few years.. do we keep as many key players as possible and spend big do we cross our fingers. Ipswich squad on paper isn't all that.
  20. Watford too this year. Who received PP. Near season it'll be the 3 who drop from the PL, plus or both of Leeds and Southampton depending on if they stay down.
  21. Everton going into administration could be the shockwave the game needs so..also feel they deserve to go down for their regular PSR shortcomings and other financial issues. No guarantee that it is on the cards but maybe it could be for the good of the game?
  22. There will be a lot of clubs, who on paper were better placed saying the same. Ipswich represent a major outlier, others less so.
  23. My view is still as it was a few years ago..starting point. Solidarity Payments plus Parachute Payments plus EFL TV money Then distributed equally by the current divisional structure. The huge cliff edge between the top 2 divisions but maybe that weighting needs looking at too Idk.
  24. Seemingly Conway should've been booked for simulation v Rotherham as per Chris Foy. https://www.bristolpost.co.uk/sport/football/bristol-city-tommy-conway-penalty-9256763
  25. Either ended or reformed drastically ie along the lines of what the EFL are looking for. Ie distributed significantly differently as opposed to all staying in the PL.
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