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Mr Popodopolous

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Everything posted by Mr Popodopolous

  1. I'm sure that it's the former, it's a relatively small debt anyway I believe and if not for their postponed games and the impact on cash flow- all 4 were at home in a month to 6 week period-the issue wouldn't have arisen I expect.
  2. Cards on the table though, I don't see how our player transfer profit add-back argument stacks up, I really don't. Realistically surely we need to make £15-20m worth of profit on disposal of players by end of May 2023?
  3. Well yes and no- I think there is a strong chance we will exceed limits to this season as it stands to this season. In theory we have until end of May next year to put it right. Fixed asset 'sales' as we all know are no longer an option- the smaller the gap to fill, the easier to put right. I'm now less worried about in-season deductions. Scott sale January and 6 to 18 month loan back??
  4. I'm not so worried but am stating a fact. Because our accounts run until May 31st 2023 as it stands- fact. If we sell after that point- can you put together a case to include it in the season of 2022-23 and the reporting period that ends May 31st 2023? A deadline is a deadline no? In theory there may be ways but it's not guaranteed.
  5. Still a bit difficult to fathom just how we lost as much as we did...Operating Costs of £60m once wages, non cash expenses all factored?? Plus of course a rise in Interest payable. Still though: *Revenue a net rise of £10-11m (once we include furlough). *Wage bill down £5m *What was amortisation and impairment- down £4-5m? *Transfer profit down £5m *Depreciation up yes- but excluded from FFP. Surely our pre tax losses are £4-5m too high for the net swing for and against? Granted the interest rise and cost of staging events will have a factor?
  6. By May 31st 2023? That is when our accounts run until. There are probably 3 options. 1) Extend the reporting period (which also extends costs- but also perhaps some events revenue). 2) Apply to the Football League to put a transfer after May back into this season? Is that allowable? Who knows. Mel Morris claimed it was.. 3) Put a sale of Scott and or others in Projections to 2022-23, then the benefit might fall into this season rather than next.
  7. In terms of revenue lost I would argue £15-6m in the 2 Covid years. Question is should this be gross or net of cost savings as lockdown will have entailed some. The big one is transfer add-backs. Contrary to some analysis I fear that our accounts will be among the worse end.
  8. To 2021-22 but what about to this season?? This has always been my concern. Depends on signing on fee or agents fee for free transfers of course.
  9. Could be Palmer yep, good shout. Maybe the bulk Palmer and the remainder for Moore and Bakinson. Won't amortisation still be £6-7m this season? Your other post, a return to event and a virtual end of furlough will account for some of the costs. A bit more depreciation and interest too probably.
  10. Only £6m over- have we really improved/are we really set to improve our position by £11-12m in a year?
  11. We are fine to 2021-22 even before any Covid add-backs. Encouraging to see turnover recover so well!! Back up to £29m so soon, credit to all concerned- the commercial side has surged back well! ? The wage bill, well talk of this falling by 1/3- fanciful! Guess it could have been referring to overall football and amortisation costs as a collective maybe. Not checked in full. £5m is okay but not in the ballpark that people were referring to. NO FFP penalties! Obvious to 2021-22...possibly our Depreciation has risen too which subtracts from our FFP losses too- I made our typical costs £5m per year. Means as I thought, an improvement of £17-18m maybe needed for this season but the big unknown is just how much have we been allowed to add-back in addition to the £5m x 2 and £2.5-m baseline. I made it £17-18m but you may be right! Averaged £24m pre tax loss - £5m x 2 for Covid costs and same again for FFP allowances. T-2 -£14m. £28.5m- £5-6m - £2.5m T -1 -£20-21m T...we require a loss not exceeding £4-5m in FFP terms, allowables seem to be £5-6m per year...maybe £17-19m.
  12. Fantastic!! One of the earlier to release...I take back some of my past queries about why so long etc.
  13. Three ways that could go.. Could put him in a significantly positive position to buy Coventry...bet it cost markedly less than some of the 'fair value' sale and leasebacks!! £17m for that...vs £81.1m for Pride Park, £70m was is for the Bet365, £60m for Hillsborough and £56.7m for Villa Park!! St Andrews at £22m looks alright as did Reading given land values in South East but still more than Ricoh in both cases. Distressed sale too, I get that! Or he could push up the rent. Medium to long term depending on current arrangements Or, maybe a new big Sports Direct regional hub.
  14. One thing that would be funny is if the EFL accept just enough of extra revenue losses and crucially the transfer add-backs to see us through to 2022-23. In other words a combination of that and impairment or provision for onerous contracts saw us okay. It would be funny as I imagine there would be much gnashing of teeth on Dcfcfans- probably would be an undeserved lifeline in all truth the transfer add-back thing but fun to see their reaction! I shouldn't and won't be laughing too loud or long as things can still backfire but yeah for that alone it would be funny.
  15. Yep, two medium term injuries in fact in a period of 12 months. Hardly conducive as you say. Also see DaSilva, missed half a season in 2019-20 and I can't remember when but sure he had a medium term injury at some point last couple of years, probably suffered as a result.
  16. Blackburn as a city have a population of 120.5k- as a percentage it's quite good. Granted some will come in from surrounding areas etc.
  17. Sounds like well ott, I'm law abiding as we all are but sometimes the law is an ass!! Not encouraging civil disobedience of course.
  18. Little bit surprised that this seemingly stuck, albeit one game- strikes me.as the sort of issue that could cause trouble at the turnstiles. Will be interested to know if Millwall fans will be so obliging. Granted their bad rep is perhaps something of a historical issue but they don't strike me as some who would easily accept coins and possibly expensive Vapes being confiscated.
  19. Oh just seen- Semenyo!! Switzerland usually quite a decent side too, looked a fairly strong XI.
  20. Yeah that would accelerate it nicely...the projected hole between the two before additions to the Covid add-backs falls significantly. Maybe down to a £4-5m hole rather than the absolutely doom saying up to £18m swing required. Maybe £2-3m only. Until we know for sure of course... I just hope the club's confidence is well-founded.
  21. Cheers Dave, I was possibly conflating an issue or two there. I remember one or two Procedural Defences in past cases stating that "If we don't release accounts then we can't be charged" or words to that effect. I certainly am not comparing us to that. Agree with your post, no issue whatsoever to 2022 as I think we all agree, I'm intrigued as to how losses were £28m last season though as I expect we all are. What we (or others) put and what rhe EFL accept may diverge. Wonder why the loss so big though... *Big impairment *Provision for onerous contracts *Some other major exceptional item? Regarding the EFL I think they will have to take a one and all approach. ie If we get charged then Fulham, Nottingham Forest and Stoke come under scrutiny with a view to charging- whether that's possible with sides who escape to the PL is less clear- in theory it should be...
  22. Norwich the latest to submit their accounts albeit still pending at CH. Although they usually submit early and was on their site in late October. Made a loss last seadon but well clear of FFP albeit perhaps maybe working at or closer to the lower limit. 3 weeks now since Fans Forum. I do wonder if we are refusing to release until we know or are sufficiently satisfied anyway that the EFL have accepted our Covid numbers in full and without recourse- in particular the specifics of the transfer add-backs. Granted 103 days until they are legally due out. The later they get them though, the less time for a basis they have for either charged lined up if we don't fix the hole or some sort of target to remain compliant this season. Put another way, is it possible that our numbers differ from theirs- one is compliant and one isn't. While the accounts not released they don't have a basis to charge if required. We can't technically be charged for the period ending 2022-23 yet and perhaps not until next summer or next Spring but...if they don't have audited accounts for last season then they can't even line up the basis.
  23. In financial terms, think of them a bit like Newcastle under Ashley. Run reasonably well albeit not profitable unlike Newcastle, not investing much cash or much if any equity. New owner can then should they so choose, if they can afford put the accelerator down for a while. Bit like Hull too, but better side than Hull pre takeover. In short, if it goes through I fear so. Of course not guaranteed. He could blow their financials within 18 months to 2 years, decide he is the man and wants his own man!! Sack Robins and appoint some 'big name', or some manager with faded glories or relative novice! Or remortgage the stadium if he gains ownership- or anything really...
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