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Mr Popodopolous

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Everything posted by Mr Popodopolous

  1. Praise at volunteering, with a gratuitous sideswipe at many, implied or otherwise. Won't take lectures from a key worker who isn't now for whatever reason. To me, in this scenario a 'key worker' is Health, supermarket workers, police (to an extent), Sure there's one or two others too. Statue, don't make me laugh. Right with you on Charles though. Testing should have zero to do with status.
  2. I see @joe jordans teeth banging the drum about volunteering in action. Key worker or key poster? Wonder what that poster does to make them so pious. Surmise they are either a key worker, doing volunteering themselves- or they are spouting off, full of it.
  3. I trust the Government will therefore be stepping in to ensure those that lost work during this time or had to stop working to ensure they do not go hungry. If they do not, expect society to fracture at some stage in your scenario,
  4. "Tycoon in unacceptable behaviour shocker". Granted he's taken it quite a bit far and granted capitalism is the best and least bad system but why should we be surprised. Branson and Martin have not distinguished themselves during this. To be expected.
  5. Well aware of that but if people can't eat, can't afford to eat then society can break down very quickly- never mind the economy. All very well to say 'Shut it down' but until a safety net is in place, it's more nuanced. Then you have elderly/vulnerable at home...should carers avoid because they might spread it- if they have no family ties or what not, who fills the void if carers can no longer do it? That's before we even get onto what @Roger Red Hat is saying? Far more to it than 'Lock us in'. If it's all about saving lives and forget the economy, should we shut supermarkets, the financial markets and so on?
  6. I look forward to your solutions to the complexity of an economy shutting down for the time being and maybe the foreseeable! Your armchair general posts lack credibility without solutions IMO. Unnecessary travel, let along socialising is of course a different debate.
  7. It's heartening...trust you are doing your bit. You intimated you were a key worker at past times in this thread- what pray tell, might that be?
  8. Fair- I do believe in other countries people are allowed out to buy food though, having said that it could vary from place to place as well. Are there any that have a total lockdown even barring that? I'd be surprised... The only way you could work it and prevent society imploding is if we all had to stay in for an x week period and rent, mortgage all on hold as in war and army deliver food, rationing- otherwise too many loose ends, starvation etc.
  9. I see that London City Airport has shut, due to Coronavirus. Until the end of April anyway.
  10. If the Government help fill the void in the interim it will pass without issues. If not...IMO of course. Could you define total lockdown?
  11. I should also add, gut feeling tells me that while people will do this for the NHS in particular and for some time, that if there isn't a sense that we're truly all in it together, people's patience with it will not be limitless and may fray sooner rather than later. Maybe it's not the case here though.
  12. 12 weeks to turn the tide Boris said. Think was last week? So probably until mid June or so, if that's got some accuracy. Perhaps it'd be reviewed then or periodically.
  13. I think some of the current rules are fine, it's idiots flouting them that's the problem- Barbeque in West Midlands a prime example. Construction sites should be shut too, problem is that there is a theory that society is 9 meals from anarchy- if sufficient numbers of people can no longer eat then there are significant problems for society, law and order etc- well that downplays it, it's a very tough balancing act. All nonessential work and travel should've ceased by now but until the Governmental support measures feed through it's a problem... Freelance, another one in my list earlier where there is ambiguity from the Government...we could all cease travel and non essential work but if and only if the Government rolled out the right measures and quickly.
  14. Pep and Messi have both donated £1m apiece to the Covid19 in Spain. Football to give NHS staff free tickets. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/football/2020/03/25/football-clubs-make-100000-free-tickets-available-nhs-staff/? I've queried football a bit during this crisis but credit where it is due! Along with Zaha, Neville, Giggs, Abramovich- have I missed anyone? On the other hand... https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-8149017/Agents-demand-300m-Premier-League-clubs-face-mass-legal-action-amid-coronavirus-uncertainty.html
  15. Animal husbandry. That's something that must change, and must change for good there. Eating bats, live animal markets...this will cause significant issues in the end.
  16. Down to the employer and down to their cash flow IMO Ska. McDonald's is a global employer which I am assuming has significant cash reserves, more cushion, margin for error etc. Fair play it is despite not having to, but many employers won't be in the same position, be it choice or necessity. One I know laid off 30% of staff over a week long period (not last week but the week before). Dare say they wouldn't be alone in that... Definitely as many questions as answers so far in that respect I think.
  17. I'm not knocking the Government here but these packages still have some gaping holes and lack clarity in places. 1) Rent- is it a holiday like mortgage or merely an extension of an eviction grace/court period? Read it was the latter online. 2) Zero hours. Guess Universal Credit applicable here but that system has its flaws. 3) Employees who were laid off by proactive/desperate companies before the 80% rule was announced. 4) Self-employed. Already much covered in this thread.
  18. I thought pubs were at least for takeaway alcohol, allowed to open? Are these pubs open beyond that limited scope?
  19. Appalling animal husbandry. They seem to eat pretty well anything. Someone told me that Chinese have pet hens, pet chickens as in living with them in the hoke- dunno if that's true but their animal husbandry, their wet markets (is that the name?) seems to carry a significant risk.
  20. If only this had been two years ago, Shaun Harvey may have learnt a thing or two.
  21. Leaked out and an exodus before they could. Lombardy was the epicentre, but that's the gist of what happened in that respect. I fear the same has happened with respect to London, our epicentre but I hope to be wrong! @bcfc01 Think they also lifted kickdown too soon, at least early. As in bars- bars ffs- were restored to usual hours, reopened. Saw an article where a leader went into a bar, regional leader in Milan in late February, early March and encouraged people to come out etc, go for an aperitif, that kind of thing. Unsure if they closed the factories in Lombardy until recently which is even worse. That bit less clear however. Number of errors- errors that we must learn from...
  22. What is apparent to non belter trolls, is that the FL do not want a punishment to jeopardise a clubs future. Shaun Harvey was careful with the massive fine QPR got- he did not want it to risk them going into administration or worse. @havanatopia I'm suggesting that maybe it might not have been a top priority for them. Had Chansiri been banned, would he have continued funding them? I honestly don't know but it was notable that this wasn't thrown out by the Independent panel as such, more that the EFL dropped them- maybe were accepting the inevitable granted but there's no published judgement etc online anywhere. I'm not wildly bothered if Chansiri is banned or similar, my hope is that Sheffield Wednesday get their comeuppance.
  23. Some clubs are spawny, lucky I must say. Aston Villa spring to mind, Derby possibly maybe another, with respect to finance, FFP etc. One bit of news. EFL have dropped/withdrawn the charges against Chansiri, Meire and Redgate. To be specific and clear, these are the personal misconduct charges. Part of me wonders if they are not pushing too hard on this aspect due to the exceptional circumstances. For example, might the very solvency of Sheffield Wednesday have been in doubt had Chansiri been banned, in these times with no revenue flowing in?
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